Windows Hacking & Security:
windows security features , encryption and decryptio, sam security, Bypassing windows passwor, Decrypting windows password, Using tools for breaking windows passwo, How to secure windows operating syste
How to hack wired equivalent privacy (wep) (requirements: - kali linux operating system, wifi receiver)
Wifi AHcking with Kali Linux & wifislax operating system (WEP, WPA, WPA/2).
Information gathering about wifi network.
Learning kali basic commands for manual wifi hacking(example - airmon-ng , airodump-ng, aireplay-ng & aircrack-ng) c. using bruteforce attack towards wifi network
Using wordlist method to hack wifi network.
How to secure wifi network..
Google Dorks: Important google hacks in everyday life, Terms used for google dorks., Website for getting google dorks, How to get exploits with the help from google dorks.
WebSite Hackiing & Security , basic of Penetration testing : hosting and it’s c-panel, Dorks to find vulnerable website, Hacking website with SQL injection, Hacking website with blind SQL injection g. hacking website with xss (cross site scripting , penetration testing, How to secure a website.