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Graphics Replace flow (SVG<<->>PNG,SVG<<->>JPG) -…
Graphics Replace flow
Pick PNG/SVG sticker from Graphic/Text art/Shape library.
Verify that Add PNG/SVG sticker or gallary pick Image
Verify that Add PNG image.
Choose any library like Graphic/Text Art.
Add any Png sticker from any category.
Check there Png sticker will get add in cavas.
Check there added previous sticker/image not impact due to add PNG/SVG sticker and JPG image.
Verify that Add SVG sticker.
Choose Shape library
Add any SVG sticker from any category.
Check there SVG sticker will get add in canvas with properly with expected size and position.
Verify that JPG Image from gallary pick.
Add image >> Pick gallary pick image
Add any SVG sticker from any category.
Check there SVG sticker will get add in canvas with properly with expected size and position.
Verify that replace PNG to PNG stickers.
Replace that PNG to PNG sticker.
Replace sticker with apply sticker editor functionality.
Replace sticker with/without change sticker position/size.
Add new PNG sticker & don't change position/size of it.
Replace sticker without change position.
Check the sticker size,alignment,position after replace it.
Add new PNG sticker & change position of it as any corner of the canvas.
Choose it and Replace with PNG sticker with same/different ratio.
Check there replaced sticker shown like proper as expected.
Do Apply sticker functionality like Size/rotation/Color/Shadow/Opacity/Filter/Adjust/Blur/Mask/Blend functionality.
Check there all that functionality is applied properly.
Choose replace from image bottom menu.
And replace same or another PNG sticker.
Sticker editor applied functionality should not be get removed after replace/undo-redo/duplicate the sticker.
Check replace image in canvas editor.
Check PNG sticker replaced as per choosen sticker.
Check there applied previous editor functionality is shown on it without any changed on it.
Check whlie do Replace Gallary picked PNG image over the PNG sticker.
Check while do Replace PNG sticker over the Gallary picked PNG image.
First choose gallary pick valid PNG image from graphic import.
Do replace it via graphic/text art libraries with choose any png sticker.
Check here replaced png sticker position,size and ratio too.
First choose any PNG sticker from graphic/text art library.
Do replace it with choose graphic import option & choose valid PNG image.
Check here replaced png image position,size & ratio too.
Verify that PNG sticker replace with choose from searched data in library.
Add PNG sticker from graphic library.
Do replace it then screen will redirect on graphic library.
Choose search category then popular tag or search anything valid name Then choose any sticker from searched data.
Check here replaced png sticker position,size and ratio too.
Verify that replace SVG to SVG stickers.
We don't given Add SVG image support from gallary picker.
Verify once replace SVG sticker to Gallary pick SVG image should be shown select valid image error.
Replace that SVG to SVG sticker.
Replace SVG sticker with applied editor functionality.
Add SVG sticker from shape/graphic/text art library.
Choose SVG sticker and apply the control buttons,Size,Rotation,Color,Opacity effect on it.
Do Replace it with same/another SVG sticker.
Sticker should be shown proper with applied functionality of before replaced sticker.
App should not be get crashed during this process.
Apply color on added SVG sticker.
verify that after replace another one SVG or same sticker.
Replaced SVG sticker should be add its own color. & Previous applied color should not be add on it.
After replace the applied functionality should not be get removed from there.
After replace Sticker editor applied functionality should not be get removed while perform undo-redo/duplicate the sticker.
Replace SVG sticker without applied Position or size.
Add new SVG sticker & don't change position or size of it.
Do Replace it with another one SVG sticker & Check.
Check here replaced SVG sticker position,size and ratio too.
Add new SVG sticker & change it position and size.
Do Replace it with another one SVG sticker & Check.
Check here replaced SVG sticker position,size and ratio too.
Verify that SVG sticker replace with choose from searched data in library.
Verify that also Search screen should not be shown empty.
Add SVG sticker from shape library.
Do replace it then screen will redirect on shape screen library.
Choose search category then popular tag or search anything valid name Then choose any SVG sticker from searched data.
(Search data involve with PNG & SVG result.)
Check here replaced png sticker position,size and ratio too.
Verify that replace SVG to PNG stickers.
Verify that replace PNG to SVG stickers.
Verify that replace Gallary picked PNG image to SVG stickers.
Add gallary pick PNG image from graphic import screen.
Do Replace it with SVG sticker from Graphic/Text art library.
Check Replaced SVG sticker is add new one in canvas screen due to get different extension here. (Feature)
Check the replaced SVG sticker shown at the center of the canvas screen.
Verify that replace PNG to SVG sticker.
Add any PNG sticker from graphic/text art library.
Do Replace it with SVG sticker from Graphic/Text art library.
Check Replaced SVG sticker is add new one on the canvas screen due to get different extension here. (Feature)
Check the replaced SVG sticker shown at the center of the canvas screen.
Verify that replace SVG to PNG sticker.
Verify that replace SVG stickers over the Gallary picked PNG image.
Add Gallary pick PNG image from graphic import.
Do Replace it with SVG sticker choose from Shape/Graphic/Text art library.
Check Replaced SVG sticker is add new one on the canvas screen due to get different extension here. (Feature)
Check the replaced SVG sticker shown at the center of the canvas screen.
Add any SVG sticker from shape/graphic/text art library.
Do Replace it with Png sticker from Graphic/Text art library.
Check Replaced Png sticker is add new one on the canvas screen due to get different extension here. (Feature)
Check the replaced png sticker shown at the center of the canvas screen.
Verify that SVG sticker replace with choose PNG sticker from searched data in library.
Add SVG sticker from shape library.
Do replace it then screen will redirect on shape screen library.
Choose search category then popular tag or search anything valid name Then choose any SVG sticker from searched data.
(Search data involve with PNG & SVG result.)
Check here replaced png sticker position,size and ratio too.
Verify that replace Gallary picked JPG image to SVG stickers.
Verify that replace SVG stickers to Gallary picked JPG image.
Add SVG sticker from Graphic library.
Do replace it then screen will redirect on graphic screen.
Choose import screen and import the JPG image here.
Check Replaced JPG image is add new one in canvas screen due to get different extension here. (Feature)
Check the replaced SVG sticker shown at the center of the canvas screen.
Add gallary pick JPG image from graphic import screen.
Do Replace it with SVG sticker from Graphic/Text art library.
Check Replaced SVG sticker is add new one in canvas screen due to get different extension here. (Feature)
Check the replaced SVG sticker shown at the center of the canvas screen.
Verify that replacing Portrait <<-->> Landscape sticker.
Verify that replace with same package sticker
Verify that add Portrait sticker and replace it with landscape sticker.
After replaced landscape sticker should be shown proper.
Replaced Landscape sticker should not be get shrink or get to change position in canvas.
Verify that add landscape sticker and replace it with portrait sticker.
After replaced portrait sticker should be shown proper.
Replaced portrait sticker should not be get shrink or get to change position in canvas.
Verify that add & replace same Portrait sticker.
After replaced same orientation type of sticker it should be shown proper.
Replaced same orientation sticker should not be get shrink or get to change position in canvas.
Verify that add & replace same Landscape sticker.
Verify that replace with different package stickers.
During different sticker package name replaced sticker should be get add new one with previous sticker shown as it is that position.
Verify that add & replace same Portrait orientation sticker.
(Diff. Extension sticker)
Verify that add & replace Same landscape orientation sticker.
(Diff. Extension sticker)
After replaced added new one same orientation type of sticker it should be shown proper.
Replaced added new one same orientation sticker should not be get shrink. & it should be get shown at center position in canvas.
Verify that add Portrait sticker and replace it with landscape sticker. (Diff. Extension sticker)
After replaced landscape sticker should be shown proper.
Replaced Landscape sticker should not be get shrink and should be get center position in canvas.
Verify that add landscape sticker and replace it with portrait sticker. (Diff. Extension sticker)
After replaced portrait sticker should be shown proper.
Replaced portrait sticker should not be get shrink & should be get in center position in canvas.
Verfiy that Undo-Redo cases during replace scenarioes.
Verify that same package replaced sticker with undo redo apply functionality.
The previous sticker should be get while apply undo in canvas.
The next added sticker should be get again while apply redo in canvas.
Verify that different package replaced sticker with undo redo apply functionality.
The Replaced new added sticker should be get remove & previous sticker should be shown as it is at that position while apply undo.
The next added new one sticker should be get same position while apply redo in canvas.
Apply Undo-Redo functionality end to end.
During Apply undo-redo functionality end to end the sticker should not be get lost or missed there position.
Verify that layer list in which there is all resources should be shown proper while we perform do that undo redo functionality.
Verify that duplicate button cases after replace sticker.
Verify that after replace sticker apply duplicate functionality.
The sticker should be duplicated properly.
During apply dulplication symeltinuously check too layer list.
The all resources + new duplicated stickers should be shown in Layer list proper as per shown in canvas.
Verify that also duplicated sticker should be able to replace with same or diff. package sticker.
Replace SVG<>PNG sticker at multiple times.
Replace Same/another SVG/PNG sticker multiple time.
Check it on after every replace event sticker should not be get shrink & get change position.
App should not be get crashed during this apply event.