1554 – Medieval heresy laws revived in Parliament, Royal Injunctions issued (Bishops to supress heresy, removed married clergy, restore Holy Days, re-ordain clergy ordained under English Ordinal, Deprived married priests of their living - 10-25% of clergy deprived for having married, some reinstated after agreeing to annulment, Norwich diocese 243 priests lost their posts, 90 in Bath and Wells - Deprived bishops of Gloucester, Hereford, Lincoln, Rochester and Archbishop of York, all replaced with Catholics, Catholic services restored) The Second Act of Repeal / The Great Repeal Act (All doctrinal legislation since 1529 reversed and Henrician reformation, Training of Priests changed, and they had to stay in their parish, Catholic church strengthened and reformed, Protected rights of those who had bought church land since 1536, Mary recognised authority of parliament, Prevented full restoration of Catholicism, a large number of monasteries could not be re-founded, Heresy laws reintroduced, Burning people legal) Act of Supremacy repealed, Pole to England in November (Act of Attainder repealed) and granted absolutism in the Pope’s name (Papal excommunication lifted, Pope head of the church of in England) Service of Absolution at St Pauls December 1554 (Procession to St Paul’s, Service of Absolution and Bishop Gardiner preached to est. 15000 people)