previously, we were able to go through life with a fairly stable sense of reality. We trusted that most people were in someway like us sure people differ in political opinion, but at the end of the day we all share some common values that changed, we spent the most monotonous of moments streaming over weekend parties and tropical getaways. We had a set schedule and a set world. where Everything seemed unchanged and stable. That changed. Seemingly in one innocent moment, your sense of reality was corrupted. The way things worked before now don’t appear to make sense. Perhaps it was a break up a lay off a pandemic or maybe just set up one night in a cold sweat and realize that everybody’s just winging it and nobody knows why we’re here but we’re supposed to do and where we’re going, breakfast appears, alien the weight of your toothbrushe is unbearable any moment decision making is met with dread and despair you experiencing with the philosopher, Kamu called the absurd Kamu argued that humans have a chronic urge to understand the world. We use reason in order to do so however, from our limited perspective, the world appears unreasonable, the tension between our use of reason, and the unreasonable world around us creates the absurd. camus explores several solutions. Once we reach this point for one, we could simply deny the unreasonable world. This is a common choice in which we pretend of the world actually makes sense, and from this pretend that we can develop and follow, distinct goals that give our lives meaning example is denying the seemingly unreasonable fact that we live just to die. Such a horrifying possibility can be countered with a belief that we live in order to be rewarded or punished in the afterlife, whether we are rewarded or punished is reliant on how we conduct our lives now, hence, a belief in the afterlife denies the unreasonable of death and offers us a goal that gives our lives purpose in a more secular age. We can also see this in those who believe that making enough money in their by living a comfortable retirement is a reasonable way to live, valuing, financial security distracts us from the fact that we will nonetheless be financially secure in a world that still makes a little sense to us almost any systematic, conception of the world from the religious to the financial social must reduce, and avoid the fact that it simply cannot account for the complexity and absurdity of reality, but it does make the Ernie more comfortable and meaningful however, as Kamu argues, denying the incomprehensibility of our existence, reduces our freedom. We have tied ourselves to certain plans and doing so disengage from the true totality of being finding out that the afterlife doesn’t exist would be crushing messing up your retirement plans would be existentially painful. Would we have the strength to move on from these totalizing systems of thought another solution would be to abandoned reason all together some philosophers, such as Jasper even argue that reason is a fairly useless concept driven disparring, desire for metaphysical, transcendence others, such as keirkagard suggested the world, doesn’t fact have some sort of reason, but that it is outside of human comprehension, and we should nonetheless committal leave of faith, excepting the fact that we will never fully understand the world, but nonetheless believe Kamou argues that to deny reason itself is intellectually destructive in order to live fully we need to tackle the incomprehensibility of life itself, including death, nothingness, morality, and metaphysics we may not be successful in our struggle to apply to the world, but the project itself gives us the potential to truly live finally, there is the possible solution of self obliteration of taking life after confronting the painful futility of the absurd this is in a sense, the most extreme example accepting the absurd , but Kamu ask us if such. Solution is truly reasonable he writes the absurd is an experi