Main themes and concepts on Leadership
Taking an organisation into the future
Successfully finding and exploiting opportunities
Creates change
Inspires staff through creative vision and focus
Empowers staff through trust and devlopment
Uses influence
Five forms of leadership
Leadership as person
Leadership as result
Leadership as position
Leadership as purpose
Leadership as process
Four key factors - Leader, context, follower & outcomes
Focuses on personality and qualities
Focuses on collective results against the actions of a leader
Position of the leader within the organisation
Develops a vision
Planning and budgeting
Organising and staffing
Can be throughout the hierarchy
Controlling and problem solving
Uses authority
Does the right things
Does things right
Manages change
Directs and coordinates
Looks outwards
Focuses on people
Looks inwards
Focuses on things
Effective leadership & management is required for organisational success
Strategic leadership
Leadership training
Practical insights
Learning as you go
Learning through courses
Can be expensive for organisations
Need a good understanding of the organisation and employees
Charismatic leadership
Leads through personability
Focuses on main idea + leadership + personnel
Motivational theories
Herzberg's two-factor theory
Maslow's hierarchy of needs
Self actualisation
Safety and security
Presence of motivation factors
Absence of hygiene factors
Leading in a multicultural world
Gender and leadership
Gender inequalities
Leadership is distributed throughout an organisation
Not of top down approach
Feeling valued
Career progression
Role has a purpose
Clear company policies
Company benefits
Good relationships with managers & colleagues
Purpose is more important than results