3 - Capacity Building (15 members/Cooperative - 3 cooperatives)
1) Training on quality copra production - dehusking-deshelling-splitting; drying; storage (Materials: Coconut, oven dryer, moisture meter; basket and sacks; Training - 5 days)
2) Training on VCO production (Materials: Coconut grater and milk extractor, coconuts, bottles, kitchen materials, packaging machine; Training - 3 days)
3) Training on Sugar Production (Materials: Coconut, Wok and Laddle, kitchen materials, burner, packaging machine, container; Training - 3 days)
4) Training on coconut handicrafts (bags and ropes) (Materials: Coconut Husk rope maker, coconut husk; packaging material)
5) Other trainings (Water production, buko pie, vinegar, jam, others) (Materials: Coconut; ingredients, container, packaging materials, kitchen materials, others)
Rent Expenses: 10 x 5000 = 50,000; Representation Expenses = 550 x 50 x 15 = 412,500;
Hybrid Coconut = 50 x 300 x 5 = 75,000
Kitchen Materials (Wok, burner, ladle, containers, etc) = 150,000
Other equipment (oven dryer, moisture meter, packaging printer machine, sealer) = 150,000
Training Resource Person (Lec)= 1400 x 15 x 8 = 168,000
Rent Expenses for lodging = 500 x 50 x 15 = 375,000
Token and Training Materials = 15,000