Language learning is a complex process: in this process, language teachers can’t be far away from the technology, which is the application of scientific knowledge to practical tasks by organisations that involve people and machines. It is a fact that technology cannot be separated from society. Machines have social origins and they emerge from the needs of society. Therefore, teachers need technologies relevant to the teaching-learning situation. If the educationalists want children to be technologically equipped, all the changes and preparations ought to be done within the curriculum, school, architecture, teaching organisation and finance
You may even explore the use of audio as a medium to help strengthen reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills. Podcasts are one great (usually free!) way to integrate audio, and digital libraries like Epic! often have audiobooks as well.
There are many kinds of instructional materials, but some of the most used ones are traditional resources, graphic organizers, and teacher-made resources. Traditional resources include textbooks and workbooks. These are useful tools for introducing new concepts that might be difficult for your students.