developmental milestones in early childhood

Physical Development

Fine Motor Skills

Gross Motor Skills

Walking Independently (12-15 months)

Climbing Stairs (18 months with assistance, independently by 2 years)

Pulling up to Stand (9-12 months)

Running, Jumping, Hopping (3-4 years)

Crawling (6-10 months)

Scribbling with Crayons (2 years)

Using Utensils (Fork, Spoon) (2-3 years)

Grasping Objects (Pincer Grip) (9-12 months)

Building Towers with Blocks (2-3 years)

Dressing Themselves (Buttoning, Zipping) (3-4 years)


Height and Weight Increase

Development of Primary Teeth (around 6 months)

Emotional Development


Forming Secure Attachment (6-9 months)

Peak of Separation Anxiety (1-2 years)

Seeking Comfort from Caregivers (6-9 months)


Self-Soothing Behaviors (Thumb-Sucking, Cuddling a Toy)

Developing Emotional Regulation with Caregiver Assistance

Understanding Simple Rules and Boundaries (2-3 years)


Early Signs of Empathy (Comforting Others, Sharing Toys)

Identifying Basic Emotions in Others (Happy, Sad, Angry)

Cognitive Development

Language Development

Object Permanence

Playing Peek-a-Boo (8-12 months)

Understanding Objects Exist Even When Out of Sight (8-12 months)

Understanding Simple Instructions (1-2 years)

Asking Questions to Gain Information (3-4 years)

Rapid Expansion of Vocabulary and Simple Sentences

First Words (10-12 months)

Babbling (4-6 months)

Symbolic Play

Engaging in Pretend Play Scenarios (Feeding Dolls, Playing House) (2-3 years)

Using Objects to Represent Other Objects (Pretending a Stick is a Sword) (3-4 years)


Understanding Cause and Effect (Dropping Objects to See What Happens) (1-2 years)

Creative Problem-Solving in Play (3-4 years)

Solving Simple Puzzles (1-2 years)

Motor Development

Gross Motor Skills

Crawling on Hands and Knees (7-10 months)

Walking Independently (12-15 months)

Sitting Independently (6-8 months)

Climbing (1-2 years)

Rolling Over (6 months)

Fine Motor Skills

Reaching and Grasping Objects Deliberately (3-4 months)

Manipulating Objects with Increasing Dexterity (Turning Pages of a Book, Stacking Blocks) (12-18 months)

Using Utensils Independently (2-3 years)

Drawing Shapes and Simple Pictures (3-4 years)

psycho-social development

Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt (Erikson): Asserting independence in activities

Trust vs. Mistrust (Erikson): Forming trust in caregivers

Initiative vs. Guilt (Erikson): Exploring the environment through play

Self-Concept: Developing a sense of self and gender identity

Emotional Regulation: Learning to manage emotions

Social Skills: Interacting with peers and forming friendships

Empathy and Perspective Taking: Understanding others' feelings

Attachment: Forming bonds with caregivers

Cultural Influences: Absorbing cultural values and beliefs