Carbon Converter
Who Benefits From This?
This will benefit a widespread of people and even several animals as well.
Why is Solving Air Pollution Important?
Solving this major issue is important as it can significantly help human's health and the earth/environment.
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Harsh Weather
Severe Damage to Ecosystems
Air pollution arises several diseases for human kind and numerous species
- Respiratory problems: Air pollution irritates the lungs leading to several diseases.
Other issues - Heart Disease and Cancer
- It traps excess heat and causes the climate to warm up leading to various weather conditions.
- Air pollution harms not just plants and trees but entire ecosystems. Pollutants can disrupt the growth and development of plants, reducing crop yields and harming sensitive species.
What does it do and how does it work ?
A drone that wafts through the atmosphere, cleansing the air as it converts carbon dioxide into oxygen alleviating the major damages caused by air pollutions
This drone encompasses of a vaccum that sucks carbon dioxide from the air polluting the atmosphere and converts it into oxygen leading to a cleaner and healthier place for everyone.
Year 2050
Solving air pollution can immensely decrease the amount of diseases caused by bad air quality such as respiratory illnesses.
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This invention benefits people as it can reduce several diseases such as:
- Heart Disease
- Lung Cancer
- Respiratory Diseases (Like Asthma)