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Cattle - Coggle Diagram
Commonest congenital issue--> holosystic murmur can here both side of the thorax--L- near pulmonic valve, R- near tricuspid- max
tall P wave
RA enlargement
Pericardial effusion
red brown mottled lobular pattern - nut meg liver
L. gf PAM
Pulmonic murmur-- L 3rd intercostal
Aortic M-- L4th intercostal
Mitral M- L 5th intercostal
Tricuspid murmur
3rd & 4th intercostal space
Pulmonary artery pressure
test done 600Ft- if it is less than <40mmHg over 1yr - Animal genetic susceptibility to high mountain ds (BMPR2 genes) - Lowest pulmonary artery P are least susceptible animal- <40mmHg
when reduce O2 susceptible animal get pulmonary hypertension __> pulmonary aa hypertrophy, co pulmonae & RHF --> lethargy, distended jugular vein, ventral edema, diarrhea, pulmonary edema, & pleural effusion (Locoweed, pregnancy- worse)
Fibrinous pericarditis
- DD- C. perfringens, -- Swine-
Hemophilus, Streptococcus, Stephanaurus edentatus
Tetralogy of Fallot
Pulmonic valve stenosis, R Ventricular hypertrophy, VSD, Dextropositioned aorta
Atrial Fibrillation- commonest
Hypocalcemia -
Mannheimia hemolytica bronchopnemonia
harsh inspiratory & expiratory sounds + expiratory wheeze
(shipping fever)
Fibrinous pneumonia
ventral lung consolidation when percussed + cranioventral lung - abnormal. Fever +dyspneic + open mouth breathing + scleral vessels injected & dark
no breathing sounds in dorsal chest
Calf diptheria (necrotic laryngitis)
Fusobacterium mecrophorum
inspiratory stridors moist, painful cough,
extended neck with a swelling around larynx & Ozena
* Fever, episcleral injection. palpation of larynx- elicit a cough with pain & increased stridor. (3- 18 month age cattle).
Rx- Penicilin or IV OTC followed by SC long acting OTC + plus NSAID
Truperella pyogens
- Laryngeal abcess ( not febrile or septic)
Papilloma virus
- Laryngeal warts- stertorous respiation & cough
Bovine Respiratory Syncytial Virus
Honking sound
during breathing 5 weeks old, acute respiratory signs, die, PM- interstitial emphysema & rubber consistency of lungs. Rx- antibiotics, NSAIDs, corticosteroid- if pulmonary edema sever Control- Vaccine for BRSV
Fog fever
Bovine pulmonary edema & emphysema - atypical interstitial pneumonias , non septic lungs - soft painful cough, crackels & wheeze without consolidation
occur when moving cattle to a new lush pasture area
** Tryptophan ------> 3-methyl indole (in rumen) toxic to lungs
Farmer's lung
Exposure to allergen when housed indoor
Silo filler's ds
Bronchiolitis obliterans
--> due to inhalation of toxic silo gas if housed near a silo
Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (B. Herpes 1.1)
Rx- Vaccination with intranasal vaccine + Rx sick animals with IM procaine penicillin
coughing, mucopurulen ocular nasal discharge, high fever, increased RR, upper respi tract noise, swollen vulva with erosions & ulcers, abortions
Mineral oil
no taste- so possible aspiration pneumonia (severe)- be careful when given orally
Silica stones
- eating mature range grass high in silica + dehydration
(NH4, Mg, P)- high grain diets
Quercus (oak)
- GI & renal dysfunction
urethral rupture of beef cattle
Rx- perineal urethrostomy (others r costly)
Ruptured bladder
Biochem--> Hyponatremia, hypochloremia, hyperphosphatemia
test to check urine- urine creatinine: serum creatinine >2:1
Caused by Coryne. renale & coliform in freshened cows (2wks) -
cloudy & blood in urine
, fever
Paradoxic aciduria
For Na+ influx, H go out from renal tubules (Na+, Cl) exchange (H, K)
Bracken fern toxicity-
Infectious foot rot
(interdigital necrobacillosis) rainy summer--lame cattle, in muddy, high density area, interdigital trauma from rocks -Rx move to a dry area
Rx- Florfenicol SC, 1 dose
Foot abcess L rear medial
Apply wooden hoof block to L rear lateral claw
Lateral rear digit affected 80% time
Papillomatous digital dermatitis
Treponema spirochete
Foot warts--> feet trim, topical spray of OTC + installation of properly designed & managed foot baths
Necrotic lesions in interdigital space
DD- FMD, BVD, Malignant cataral fever, Interdigital necrobacillosis
Interdigital hyperplasia- Rx- surgical removal with LA & sedation
Spastic Paresis
Elso heel - Spastic paresis- hereditary - continuous of stiffness of hock- bilaterally or unilaterally
Continuous gastrocnemius tension
Virus & tumors
Bovine Leukosis
Bovine lymphosaccoma virus
Dx ELISA to detect Ab
Ocular lymphosarcoma
euthanasia- beef cattle- can't eat
Papilloma virus
autogenous vaccine from isolated warts
ocular SCC
heritable - condemnation at slaughter
Myophosphorylase deficiency
genetis ds- deficiency enzyme - increaset AST, CK, LDH, 1month - exercise intolerance & collapse
6 legs
Solenopotes, Linognathus, Hematopinus
ticks & mites
8 legs
Sarcoptes scabies -
Hyporderma (wables, heel flies, grub)
Female attaching up to 500 eggs to the hairs around the hocks & lower proportion of the cow,
H. lineatum
H. bovis
fascia, skin & spinal cord)
--> burrow into the skin--> several mnth after molt L2--> migrate to subcutaneous tissues of back --> molt to L3 --> 5-11wks L3 mature & burst through the skin & drop to the ground --> 1-3 months become adults
spp (Flesh flies)
female deposit eggs in wound & ulcers- L feed off the wound until L3 fall off & pupate
Simulium (buffalo gnats)
suck blood (females)- leg, abdomen, head, ears- decrease productivity due to annoyance
Moraxella bovis
Haematobia irritants (horn fly)
Stomoxys calcitran (stable fly)
Musca autumnalis (Face fly)
Screw Fly (
Cochliomyia hominivorax
ventral wound on the brisket- Larvae feeding on tissue-- Large metallic blue-green fly in the wound.
Dictyocaulus viviparus
Lung worm- cause verminous bronchitis-- cough/frequent tachypnea ( no intermediate host) Dx- Bermann test L3
Rx- Ivermectin 3,8,13 wks/ vaccine attenuated 1000 irradiated oral vaccine L3 at 6 & 2 preturnout
Hypericum perforatum
(St. John's wort),
Fagopyrum esculentum (buckwheat),
Ammi majus
(Bishop weed) &
Cymopterus watsonii (Spring parsley)
Amikacin like pyridoxin toxin contained sp
consolidated lung- alveoli fill with fluid
septic arthritis & osteomyelitis - odema, lytic & proliferative lesions
Bovine Somatotropin (BST)
Promote milk production (growth H)
Corenybacterium pseudotuberculosis
Abcsess- after 2-4 wks resolve, same as sheep, horse goat (vaccines for sheep), drain & flush
Pink Eye
Mild conjunctivitis, opacity, melting, corneal ulceration, neovascularisation, blepharospasm, photophobia, lacrimation -
infectious keratoconjunctivitis
can see in the margin of RBC, extravascular hemolysis - no-hemoglobinuria
Dermatophytosis (ringworm)
Rx- Topical 4% lime sulfur, 0.5% chlorhexidne, 0.5% Na hypochlorite, Providone iodine, natamycin, enilconazole
Otitis media-externa
R. head tilti, unilateral R ear droop, R eye ptosis & ephiphora of R eya (suffer from pneumonia). - cause -
Otobius megnini
- scratch, rubbing not that extreme C/S
Cu- deficiency
achromotrchia (reduce pigmentation), ill thriftness