集まり (atsumari): gathering, meeting
悪魔 (akuma): demon, evil
相手 (aite): companion, partner
扱う (atsukau): to deal with, to treat
合わせる (awaseru): to match, to join together
冒険 (bouken): adventure, risk
部品 (buhin): parts, components
打つかる (butsukaru): to strike against, to collide with
だんだん: gradually, little by little
出会う (deau): to meet (by chance)
道徳 (doutoku): morals
永久 (eikyuu): eternity
援助 (enjo): assistance, aid
遠足 (ensoku): excursion, outing, trip
演説 (enzetsu): speech, address
餌 (esa): feed, bait
得る (eru): to get, to gain, to acquire
不平 (fuhei): complaint, dissatisfaction
不可 (fuka): wrong, bad, improper
防ぐ (fusegu): to defend, to protect
不思議 (fushigi): wonder, miracle, strange
害 (gai): injury, harm, damage
現象 (genshou): phenomenon
疑問 (gimon): question, doubt
軍隊 (guntai): armed forces
偶然 (guuzen): by chance, unexpectedly
どうしても: by all means, at any cost
激しい (hageshii): violent, furious
判断 (handan): judgment, decision
販売 (hanbai): sales, selling
犯人 (hannin): offender, criminal