IMMUNE SYSTEM: Valerie Chavez, Period Five
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Major functions of the Lymphatic & Immune systems (include BOTH)
• Location of Lymphatic organs and their functions
• Purpose and examples of First, Second and Third line of defense
• Innate(natural) immune defenses and Adaptive(acquired) immune defenses
• Humoral response and cellular response
• Antigens and antibodies
• Artificial vs. Naturally acquired immunity
• Passive vs. Active immunity
• Cells involved in the immune system and their functions
• Disorders associated with the Immune system
Pertussis: respiratory infection caused by bacteria; risks: airborne, infections, weak immune system; symptoms: wheezing, apnea, colored fingertips; treatment: erythromycin, clarithromycin, trimethoprim
Meningitis: infection/inflammation of the fluid & surrounding membranes of the brain and spinal cord: risks: fungi, age, cranial impact; symptoms: headache, fever, sensitivity to light; treatment: cancer-related meningitis requires therapy, antibiotics, anti-bacterial / fungal / viral drugs
Measles: a childhood infection caused by a virus; risks: coughing/sneezing, children, enveloped RNA virus: symptoms: cough, high fever, red watery eyes: treatment: no medicine, antibiotics, drink lots of fluid
Poliomyelitis: a highly infectious viral disease that largely affects children under 5; risks: poliovirus, sneezing/coughing; contact w? feces of an infected individual; symptoms: sore throat, fatigue, meningitis; treatment: no cure, physical therapy, occupational therapy
Rubella: a contagious disease caused by a virus; risks: liver or spleen damage; heart problems, contact w/ infected; symptoms: headache, runny nose, general discomfort; treatment: no medicine, bed rest, acetaminophen for fever
Hand, Foot, & Mouth Disease
Pinworm Infection: parasitic worms that live in anal cavity of an infected person; risks: improper hygiene, consuming pinworm eggs, enterobius vermicularis; symptoms: weight loss, loss of appetite, restlessness; treatment: over the counter medication, pyrantel pamoate, mebendazole
Hepatitis B
Tetanus: a serious bacterial infection that causes painful muscle spasms & can lead to death; risks: clostridium tetani, direct transfer, infected umbilical cord; symptoms: high blood pressure, drooling, stiff muscle; treatment: supportive care, medication, medical procedure
Small Pox
Toxoplasmosis: infections caused by a single-celled parasite that can persist unactivated for a long period; risks: immunocompromised individuals, newly infected pregnant women; symptoms: fever, inflammation, usually asymptomatic; treatment: antiparasitic medication, antibiotics, folinic acid
Haemophilus Influenzae Type B
Tuberculosis: an airborne pathogen that attacks the lungs; risks: coughing / speaking, weakened immune system, contact w/ infected people; symptoms: chest pain, weight loss, chills; treatment: antibiotics, vaccines, RIPE TB program
Chicken Pox: highly contagious disease caused by the varicella-zoster virus; risks: infants, pregnancy, low immune system; symptoms: itchy rash, loss of appetite, fever; treatment: acetaminophen, calamine lotion, hydration