the cell cycle is an ordered set of events that culminates in the division of a cell into two daughter cells.
1) interphase: active period in the cell cycle where many metabolic process occurs in preparation for cell division (DOCTOR): D=dna replication, O=organelle replication, C = cell growth, cytoplasm increases in volume, T=transcription and translation, O=obtain nutrients, R=respiration (ATP)
G1= first intermediate gap stage, the cell grows and prepares for DNA replication
G0 = If conditions are not favourable for division, the cell enters a resting stage called the G0 phase where it does not divide or prepare for division (stem cells)
S-phase = dna replication
G2 = second intermediate gap stage where the cell finsihes growing and it prepares for cell division.
m-phase= the period in the cell cycle where the cell divides into two daughter cells.