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European Exploration & Colonization (Eng Hum Q3), 推荐复习指数::star::star:,…
European Exploration & Colonization (Eng Hum Q3)
Native America Civilizations before the European contact in 1941AD
Ending: destroyed by the Aztecs
eventually destroyed by the Spaniards
the ruler's sons split the empire, leading to civil war
settled in the Valley of Cuzco and formed a small kingdom in the 1200s
vast control of lands with 16 million population in the 1500s
destroyed by the Spaniards
tyrants demanded more tributes and sacrifices, leading to plenty of unrests
poor nomadic people, fierce and ambitious
founded in the valley of Mexico with numerous city states
founded the city state
in an island in 1325AD
used streets as transportation; used canoes for trade
based on military conquests
different geographical situations influence civilization's life style
in arid areas:
people live in mobile homes and hunt for food
areas with rivers:
develop agriculture and permanent houses
areas near ocean:
people hunt, gather, and utilize resources in the ocean
(How?)technologies and knowledge
Ancient Greece & Rome
the fact that earth is round
astrolabe-uses pattern of celestial bodies(天体) to determine their position on earth
geographical locations
map making
wind patterns-europeans understand trade winds and circular patterns
refined astrolabe
technique: sailing upwind by moving diagonally, creating more trade routes
different boats: caravel (long distance travel), carrack(big volume), and fluyt (small, but big volume)
they were crucial to the explorations
Spain vs Portugal rivalry
1st to start exploring America among all European nations
started plantation and slavery system in Africa and then to US (1450s)
Bartolomeu: 1st European to sail back and forth from Africa
Commissioned Christopher Columbus on a expedition to find new trade routes to Asia in 1492AD, but accidentally discovered America
Columbian Exchange (see "Spain and America" for more)
led to increased interest by other European countries of America
used an encomienda system to force indigenous people to participate in unpaid labour (there are a
hierarchy on race
, in which black slaves and native Indians are in the lowest class)
treaty of Tordesillas in 1494AD "split" the world into two
Portugal have access to
Africa, Brazil
, coast of America, Australia
Spain have access to
most of the America
(when the treaty was signed, neither of the nations knew about the whole picture of America!!)
Portugal thought they have won the rival with Spain by limiting all of the explored areas, but the biggest gainer is actually Spain :clown_face:
Maritime Empires
early British
(early) focused on
North America
many families arrived to the new world for social mobility, improved living conditions, and religious freedom
focus on agriculture and took lands from Native Americans
simply interested in
trade and business
, not colonization or religion
focused and influenced
Indonesia and small parts in America
founded the most successful trade company: VOC
exclusive trading rights to Japan
focused on
colonizing South America and Central America
see more in "Spain and America"
1st to explore
farthest away from trading routes
focused on
Africa, Asia, Brazil
focused on
Canada and coast on India
(after the industrial revolution) focused on
Africa and Asia
eventually lose all colonies in Canada in 1763AD!
King George III established American colonies in Quebec
driven by political, religious, and economic rivalries, European states established new maritime empires......
Spain and America
Columbian Exchange 1500s->1600s
exchange between the Eastern & Western / old world & new world / Europe and Africa
Old world :arrow_right: New world:
disease vectors, such as rats and mosquitoes
led to
immense drop in native people's population (about 90% of ppl died!)
. The Aztec and Inca civilizations thus became vulnerable from invasions.
disease, such as the deadly small pox
animals and plants, such as livestock
New world :arrow_right: Old world:
new plants such as tobacco, potato
In Europe, Asia, and Africa plants like tobacco became
cash crop
, plants that can make money
In Europe, Asia, and Africa, plants like potato become
stable crop
because they can become primary food sources
for Europe (old world)
because of new plants:
better nutrition
food diversity
increased population
more interested in exploring America
new luxuries
On the other side....for America (new world)
disease took over 90% percent of population!
wanted Europeans to leave, but failed
forced to labor
Pizzaro and Aztecs
Pizarro conquered the Incan empire with a surprise attack in 1532AD: by leading Atahualpa (the emperor) into a enclosed room and capturing him using the hidden Spaniards. After Atahualpa got executed, the Incan Empire quickly colalpsed.
Cortes and the Incas
Cortes explored America 1519AD
Cortes conquered Aztec in 1521AD (yes, only within two years)
factor 1: Cortes is supported by native Mexican people
factor 2: the spread of disease already made Aztecs vulnerable to invasions
factor 3: The Spaniards have more advanced weapons:
armors and horses
Triangular trade
(product of Mercantilism)
slaves :arrow_right:
raw materials :arrow_down:
slaves from Africa went to America to work in plantation to produce raw materials, the raw materials were then sent to Europe to produce manufactured product. Africa and America then became the market for those products (which is the idea of Mercantilism)
labor system
colonial economics based on agriculture
indentured servitude
: system for poor white Europeans immigrating to America. They would enter a contract to pay for their voyage and enter a form of service for 7 years to pay off their debt. Afterwards, they were free.
: system that forced Native Americans to labor
Since the native Americans managed to escape, and Europeans don't work:
slaves from Africa were forced to labor.
enslaved people were forced into households, moved to Mediterranean & Indian Ocean areas
led to increase economy in plantations
the terrifying "Chattel Slavery"
slaves were treated as animals and property
even slaves' offsprings were born as slaves
abolished only until
slaves ship: slaves were dehumanized
(Why?) reasons for exploration
National rivalries & national glory
Portuguese, Spain, England, France, and the Netherlands
were all competing for exploration
seek for new trade routes & increased wealth :moneybag:
spread christianity
discovery also means death, genocide, and the spread of disease
Mapping the world
key elements of a map
Map types
Physical Map: contains geographical aspects of a location
Political Map: contains human aspects, such as cities
an economic theory in European countries in 17th-18th country
countries wanted a
balance of gold
positive situation in which countries exported (get gold) more than what they imported (spend gold)
strict control over colonies' trade:
colonies can only trade to their mother country, not other colonies
prevent competition
maintain a monopoly for the mother country’s products
gain raw materials
colonies became markets
:arrow_up: raw materials
Mother country
:arrow_down: manufactured goods
aimed to maximize the nation's profit