Cryptosporidium parvum
Major cause in cattle
1907 Tyzer first reported from mouse
Hymen infected in 1976
Opportunistic pathogen for immuno compromised patient and cause secondary infection
Epithelial layer of intestine
C.felis, c. canis, c.muris- mammals
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Size 4- 5 um in diameter
Spherical or oval
Cyst covered by double wall
4 present shape sporozoites
Anterior pointed posterior broader
One nucleus
Only cyst form
Satined with acid fast
Life cycle
Single host
Two cycle
Ingestion of contaminated food
First attach on tissue
Cyst wall broken by gastric juice and release sporozoites
Attach on intestinal epithelial
Undergoes excystation
Multiply and develop type 1 meront contain 8 merozoite
Either again affect intestinal epithelial layer and form type 2 meront
Release 4 merozoites
Form type 2 merozoites
Micro gamete
Release 12- 16 microgamete
Release one macrogamete
Zygote form of oocyst
Thick walled
Thin walled
Unsporated more effective
Autoinfection again infect intestine
Excrete through feces
Opportunistic pathogen
Immunocompetent develop self limiting, diarrhea
Immuno compromised patients in severe case life threatening cholera like illeness
Lab diagnosis
Direct wet mount
Acid fast staining
Immunoflurescent antibody
Histopathology cal examination
Haematoxylin and eosin stain
Immuno competent host
Treatment to prevent dehydration
AIDs or congenital deficiency
Continuous supportive therapy
Antimicrobial agents
Azithromyzin, paromycin, spiramycin, octreotide and nitazoxanic