Globalization is not a destructive force that threatens culture in the Middle East
Easy access to information
More info about other cultures
Accessibility to different practices
More opportunities
Expansion of business
More recognition
Economic Growth
Bigger consumer base
More foreign exchanges
Growth of tourism
Counter arguments
Religious practices may be looked at differently and may be neglected
Future Generations will be affected negatively
Cultural practices may be forgotten practiced, less, and less sentimental
Languages may be forgotten and future generations will not have their mother tongue
can have strict teaching methods to maintain language
could still be taught and made crucial
Can give strict policies keep religious practices alive
Can give religious classes/lectures
Can have a cultural ministry to maintain cultural practices and events
Increased focus on teachings of language ethics
Teaching children from a young age
Keep traditions/cultural alive
International affairs
Positive international ccoperation
Less international conflict
Positive trade relationship
international job opportunities
Decrease in unemployment rate
Sharing work experience/knowledge