Analyzing Customer Satisfaction with the Self-Service Kiosks in McDonalds

Adaption of Technology in Fast Food Restaurants

Technology adoption and jobs: The effects of self-service kiosks in restaurants on labor outcomes

Digital Smart System for Restaurants Using Wireless Technology

Improving consumer commitment through the integration of self-service technologies: A transcendent consumer experience perspective

Impact of digital marketing on the competitiveness of the restaurant industry

The adoption of self-service kiosks in quick-service restaurants

Importance of Customer Satisfaction

Customer Satisfaction towards Self-Service Kiosks for Quick Service Restaurants (QSRs) in Klang Valley

The Impact of Waiting Time towards Customers' Satisfaction in Fast Food Establishments: Evidence from Bangladesh

Customer satisfaction from the self – service kiosks’ UI/UX and the customer continuance intention to use


What Drives Customer Satisfaction, Loyalty, and Happiness in Fast-Food Restaurants in China? Perceived Price, Service Quality, Food Quality, Physical Environment Quality, and the Moderating Role of Gender

McDonald’s Customer’s Satisfaction Strategies during COVID-19 Pandemic in Malaysia

The effect of self-checkout quality on customer satisfaction and repatronage in a retail context

Preference of customer in Using Self-Service Kiosks

Impacts of menu information quality and nutrition information quality on technology acceptance characteristics and behaviors toward fast food restaurant’ kiosk

Impacts of menu information quality and nutrition information quality on technology acceptance characteristics and behaviors toward fast food restaurant’ kiosk

A Concept of Consumer Acceptance on the usage of Self-Ordering Kiosks at McDonald’s

Antecedents and consequences of the Ease of Use and Usefulness of Fast-Food Kiosks using the technology Acceptance Model

Customer Acceptance Towards Self-Service Technology at McDonald’s

Customer resistance of self-service kiosks in the South African fast-food industry

Investigating the usage of Self Ordering Kiosk towards Customer Behavior: A case on McDonald's

A study on the Application of Kiosk Service as the Workplace Flexibility: The Determinants of Expanded Technology Adoption and Trust of Quick Service Restaurant Customers

Customer Acceptance Towards Self-Service Technology At Mcdonald's

Determinants of Customer Satisfaction and Willingness to Use Self-Service Kiosk in Hotel Industry

Customer Satisfaction Towards Self-Service Kiosks for Quick Service Restaurants (QSRs) in Klang Valley

Customer Satisfaction Towards Self-Service Kiosks for Quick Service Restaurants (QSRs) in Klang Valley

The Implementation of Self-Ordering Kiosks (SOKs): Investigating the Challenges in Fast Food Restaurants

Fast-Food Restaurant Consumer Preferences in Using Self-Service Kiosks: An Empirical Assessment of the 4As Marketing Mix

Young people’s perspectives on self-service technology and
hospitality: A McDonald’s case study

Customer satisfaction from the self – service kiosks’ UI/UX and the customer continuance intention to use

Impact of self-service technology (SST) service quality on customer loyalty and behavioral intention: The mediating role of customer satisfaction

Technology Adoption Of millennial Generations In Implementation Of Self Ordering Machine In Fast Food Restaurant

The Impact of Self-Order Kiosk and Service Quality on Customer Experience in McDonald’s Citra Garden 6 Jakarta

Exploring the Impact of Self-Service Technologies on Retail Shoppers: An Abstract: Proceedings of the 2018 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference

Determinants of Behavioral Intention of the Use of Self-Order Kiosks in Fast-Food Restaurants: Focus on the Moderating Effect of Difference Age

The Effect of Service and Food Quality on Customer Satisfaction and Hence Customer Retention

The User Experience (UX) Analysis of Self-Service Kiosk (SSK) in Waiting Time at Fast Food Restaurant Using User Experience (UX) Model


Factors Influencing Customers " Acceptance toward Self-Service Kiosk in Northern Peninsular Malaysia