Cell Cycle
Tumor suppressor genes
How cells divide
Have 4 stages
The cells life cycle
Has 3 stages
Grows in the stages
The 4 parts of Mitosis
Prophase makes the chromosomes, removes nucleotide membrane
Metaphase puts the chromosomes in the middle of the cell
Anaphase separates all the chromosomes into both cells
Starts to separate cell into 2
The 3 parts of Interphase
G1 creates the organelles and the proteins for the cell
S creates the chromosomes for duplication and Mitosis
G2 checks that everything is ready for Mitosis
They are used to control the cell cycle
They need to control the speed of each stage
They slow down the cell cycle
They make sure that the cell cycle will slow down if needed
Contain the DNA needed in each cell
Are need to separate the chromosomes
Attach to the spindle fibers and centromeres
Regulate the cell cycle to make sure that everything functions properly
Guards the cell and makes sure the DNA is working and it doesn’t get damaged or mutated