My fovorite food
Sodiqova Muslima

our national food zv3QoKB-HnKI9HJvcVsFCPP4XA_yN4QQ-xl

1000_F_514874287_UJwUaF4ANxARDweVwsERh19bt9EUFikY my first cooked meal

image-1 unhealthy foods

healthy foods d0b7d0b4d0bed180d0bed0b2d0bed0b5-d0bfd0b8d182d0b0d0bdd0b8d0b5-d18dd182d0be-d0b7d0b4d0bed180d0bed0b2d18bd0b9-d0bed0b1d180d0b0d0b7-650x425

What are healthy foods?

Are you a fan of healthy eating?

Do you follow a healthy diet?

What are unhealthy foods?

How do you feel about unhealthy food?

Doctors' opinion on unhealthy foods?

What was your first meal?

Who taught you your first meal?

What did your family think about your first meal?

What do you think about national dishes?

What national dishes are the most popular?

What national dishes do you like?

healthy foods include: natural, fresh produce and protein-rich foods. Examples include olive oil, vegetable oil, fish, chicken, vegetables, and dairy products.

yes of course if we eat healthy food we will be healthy and we can live longer

I'm a fan of healthy eating but I don't follow it myself I eat sweets and carbonated drinks now I'm limiting myself because I want to change to a healthy lifestyle

Every country has its own national dishes, including the Uzbeks, and there are many types of them. tourists also love to eat our national dishes

The most popular Uzbek dish is pilaf. Pilaf is a part of Uzbek culture. Not only the culture of cuisine, but also the culture of behavior. Pilaf unites all the people, the nation

I like pilaf from national dishes, especially when eaten with salads, it is very tasty

harmful foods unhealthy foods that are very dangerous for human health reduce a person's life by one year

Unhealthy foods include semi-finished products, fast foods, carbonated drinks, energy drinks, sweets, very spicy foods, too fatty, fried foods.

Regarding unhealthy foods, according to the doctor's opinion, salty, bitter, and sour foods are the most harmful foods for the heart.

my first ever meal was mastava

My mother taught me to cook for the first time

My family had a positive opinion of the first meal I cooked, they praised me and said it was delicious.