THE TECHNOLOGY WORKSHOP: Where can we do our projects?

Technology is the application of knowledge and skills to creat solutions wich satisfy our needs

The process of planning a technological solution: NEED ---> IDEA ---> DEVELOP THE IDEA ---> CONSTRUCTION ---> CHECK

THE STAGES OF TECHNOLOGICAL PROCESSES: each stage requires various actions

Proposal and needs analysis: What is the problem? A definition helps you to create an appropriate solution ssss

Summarise and analyse the background: using information about similar cases you can find a solution. You can use it as a model and adapt it to your needs tttt

Design an individual idea: when you have found all the information you can start to design captura1

Agree and choose the best solution: you can create a table to choose, then you can combine the positive aspects to make the definitive product

Construct the design: you have to draw the definitive object with drawing of its side, the separate pieces and details captura2

Process sheet - group work plan: you have to ask yourself what, who, how, when and how long it is going to take

Prepare an estimate: make an estimate of the construction costs rraa

Construct and test: you have to do the base of the design and then you can add secondary pieces. You will need a progress report

Evaluate and check: you have to ask yourself some questions about the appearance, the use, the materials, the durability, the maintenance, the safety and the possible modifications

Construction report: this document is used to explain the processes you followed in case you want to repeat the project

Organisation of workshop activities: the coordinator, the person responsible for the material, the person responsible for the tools, the secretary, the person responsible for health and safety and the person in charge of cleaning

Health and safety rules: to protect our health we have to follow some rules health and safety

Some types of signs: sings

Sustainable development: technological development has many advantages, but it also creates problems like resources are overexploited, polluting gases and toxics wastes are produced trees