Technology.Technological processes

What is technology?

the technology workshop

Technology is the practical application of knowledge (science) and skills(techniquesl to create solutions (technological objects or systems) which
satisfy our needs or solve our problems.
The process of planning a technological solution:
Need - Idea ~ develope the idea ~ Construction ~ Check

The stages of technological processes

Process sheet — group work plan: Only plan the construction and decide all the importants things

Prepare an estimate: Make an estimate of the construcion cost in advance, then you will know whether the project is whorthwhile.

Construct the design

Agree and choose the best solution:Only try to choose the best solution

Design an individual idea

Summarise and analyse the background

Proposal and needs analysis: A precise definition helps you to create a specific and appropnate

Construct and test: lt is easy to make an obiect if the process is planned correctly If you have a good design and plan correctly, construction wdl be quicker and more efficient.

Evaluate and check: Evaluation is a critical analysis of the final product to help improve it.

Construction report: Using all the documents wntten during the construction process,write a report on the construction of the object.

organisation of workshop activities

health and safety rules

person responsible for the tools

person responsible for the material


person responsible for health an safety

person in charge of cleaning


Technology, society and the environment

Sustainable development: Of course, technological development has manvyadvantages, but it also creates a series of problems

toxic waste

Resources (animal, mmeral or vegetable) are overexploited they can run out and natural habitats disappear.

polluting gases