Mr Birling
Mr Birling would not take any responsibility instead he just sees Eva as a troublemaker who wanted a pay raise.
edna takes responsibility into always having to keep the birling's house clean and tidy, this is her everyday job and she feels the responsibility into how she treats the birling's house, she always wants to please them.
takes responsibility before mr&mrs birling
He dismisses (down praises) the issue
At the end he is ready to forget everything
shows the generation gap
capitalist - He is tight with money. "The Titanic – she sails next week…and unsinkable, absolutely unsinkable."
He is rude to the inspector and believes that he is higher “Perhaps I ought to warn you that that [the Chief Constable is] an old friend of mine. We play golf together.”
accepts responsibility immediately
"it was my own fault"
without deflecting blame onto others
represents the way society can change
Mrs Birling
Mrs Birling didn't take responsibility when she turned Eva Smith away because she used Birling as her last name.
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The inspector
he calls them cranks, dismisses them and opinionated
can't accept responsibility, suggesting its a choice
"She was claiming elaborate fine feelings and scruples that were simply absurd in a girl in her position."
"its better to ask for the earth then to take it"
mr birling puts his business before sheila
socialist views
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priestley's mouthpiece
'' all mixed up like bees in a hive ''
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dresses simply
"I should think not. Eric, I'm absolutely ashamed of you." In telling Eric that she is ashamed of him she shows that she has learned nothing from the Inspector's investigation.
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He refuses to accept any responsibility
He feels that he did his part in helping Eva. He does not feel guilt over making her his mistress.
He does not feel that he did anything wrong. He is very happy to forget the whole thing when he thinks the inspector is fake.
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