media influences on agression

media influences are changes in behaviour that are attributed to exposure to media such as tv or computer games. this is apparent with the social lear ing theory that people will watch role models on tv or computer games completing agressive acts and imitate those actions



cognitive priming


media may lead to agressive behaviour by removing the anxiety that people usually feel about violence.

frequent viewing of television violence may cause children to be less anxious about violence, which reduces their physiological arousal, therefore perceive violence as more "normal" and be more likely ti engage in violence themselves

typically takes a long time as a result of numerous repeated exposures to violent films or violent computer games

desensitised individuals are less likely to notice violence in real life, they feel less sympathy for the victim of violence and they have a less negative attitude toward violence, all of which would increase the likelihood of aggressive responses in real life


watching or playing violent media may change their standards of what is considered acceptable behaviour

exposure to violent media legitimises the use of violence by the individual in their own lives because it undermines the social sanctions that usually inhabit such behaviour

Disinhibition may have both an immediate effect and a long-term effect. Violence on TV or in a computer game triggers physiological arousal, which leads to a greater probability of behaving aggressively. In this arousal state, inhibitions are temporarily suppressed by the drive to act.

In the longer term, prolonged exposed to media violence gives the message that violence is a normal part of everyday life. When violence is justified or left unpunished on television, the viewer’s guilt or concern about consequences is also reduced. The child then feels less inhibited about being aggressive again.


refers to the temporary increase in the accessibility of thoughts and ideas

when people are constantly exposed to violent media, this activates thoughts or ideas about violence which, in turn, activate other agressive thoughts through their association in memory pathways

Exposure to aggressive images acts as a script for how to behave aggressively. The script is stored in memory then triggered when a subsequent aggressive situation occurs.

violence in media

activation of agressive script

agressive behaviour


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