Kingdom living - it all comes from God - and the breath in our lungs is from God... Acknowledgment of this provision is the source of “richness toward God” (v. 21) and, concomitantly, richness toward others. The rich man fails in this most basic covenantal responsibility (see the Great Commandment in Luke 10:27).
We live interconnectedly.... that is how we are designed... the rich man is only thinking of himself - he imagines his life without community... but it is no doubt, his workers, his neighbours, the soil, the ecosystem that makes it all possible...n he is isolated...and does not participate in the economy/ ecology of a bid for control... he loses control - 'v20 and the things... whose will they be?' He loses control.
The second threat to kingdom living... anxiety - if greed/ lust is the symptom - anxiety may be the disease...
Paul Tillich talked of anxiety as the “threat of nonbeing” and interpreted anxiety in three categories: the anxiety of fate and death, the anxiety of guilt and condemnation, and the anxiety of emptiness and meaninglessness.
Perhaps it is anxiety that causes the rich man to build bigger barns, to try to secure himself against any perceived threat to his being. Of course, by doing so, he cuts himself off from the source of his own being and from the only source of faithful courage in the midst of a vulnerable world.
trust that it is God’s “good pleasure to give [us] the kingdom” that grounds our otherwise ungrounded existence. Grounded in that faith, grounded in the divine benevolence, we can live, not without anxiety, but with faithful courage in the midst of anxiety. We can choose kingdom over concupiscence, to the glory of the Father.
there is no absolute right to anything - it all comes from God - it all comes from the earth - the earth is not ours to put fences around...