Hauora & Physical Education
PE in the past
Current PE Pedagogies
Focus on popular sports
(cricket, netball, tennis, soccer, rugby)
Lessons - Drill and Skill approach, i.e. warm up running around the field -> stretching muscles (drill) -> ball/passing skills -> play game -> warm down (drill)
Good for athletes
Not inclusive
Don't develop strategy or understanding of the game
How was I taught PE at school?
Team Sports - only the best athletes chosen to participate
Interschool competitions
Drill and Skill approach
Not many individual sports offered
'Encouraged' by shouting at us
How to move away from sports competitions?
Game Sense and Teaching Games of Understanding (TGfU).
More individual sports where personal progression in skill is the goal
Martial Arts ?
Endurance sports for athletic students, e.g. triathlons, where completion is goal
Strength sports, e.g. weights/gym (focus on healthy body)
Collaboration, Resilience, Strategy, Connecting to community.
Cooperative, Learning, and Adventure games will be good for shy students.
Resilience activities still good for natural athletes
Strategy games are inclusive - everyone using their own skill set.
Giving back to the Community is good for all even if not pure sports for the athletes
Good for neurodiverse students who need a reason/a why to participate
Some resilience activities e.g. swimming good for special needs students
This plan could possibly be better if the 4 areas were covered throughout the year as opposed to per term, this way all students would have a chance to succeed
BIG IDEA = tactics first, skills second
tactical principles=goal
begin each lesson with a game form
use deductive/open questioning (teacher)
Lots of guidance and feedback
What to do when planning and teaching PE
How TGfU relates to hauora?
Learning through Movement as opposed to Learning in Movement incs social aspects (coop, leadership, community)
Games where team success depends on all of the team succeeding so coop strategies
Teamwork skills
Communication strategies
Inc games from other cultures
Challenge Games
Target Games
CoOperative Games
Noughts and Crosses game
Strategies needed for blocking, explore speed and line length, turn taking, communicate strategy.
'How to Use this Resource Spiral' to help choose game
Net/wall games
Striking & Fielding Games
Invasion Games
Warm Up, Game Play, Learning Questions,