Note lengths And Rhythm


every sound in music has a particular duration or length

duration is important in musical time

Common note lengths

Half note

Quarter note

eighth note

sixteenth note

Whole Note

Thirty-second note

Duration Provides the basic building blocks upon which rhythm is based

Note lengths represent sound and silence

Rhythm is the succession of durations creating sound and silence

Determines how fast or slow the music is felt to be going

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when durations in music are aligned with the pulse

they can be expressed and represented as fractions or multiples of the beat cycle

syncing sound events with the beat in music helps create a lively and dynamic feel



gaps in music act as musical punctuation

Spaces between notes help to define and shape the rhythm

Empty space in the piano roll =Rest

rare unless used for a snare drum roll

good for notating rhythm

good representing durations

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4 beats

2 beats

1 beat


1/4 beat

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1/8 beat

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