Causes And Effects Of The Renaissance
Effects of Renaissance
Long Term
Black Death
Short Term
Why will Crusades happened?
In Battle of Manzikert The Byzantine Empire lost to the Seljuk Empire(A group of Muslims), who took holy lands including Jerusalem and closed it to Jews and Christian pilgrims, causing resentment in other countries.
How it led to Renaissance
How did the Crusades contribute to the Renaissance?
Trade and commerce: The Crusades boosted trade. The European traders had created trade routes between Europe and the Middle East through the Levant. They brought back different goods, such as spices, linens, and luxuries. The new goods and ideas Muslims' culture significantly encouraged Europe’s economic growth, urbanization, and the creation of the merchant elite. We all know that cultural patronage and creative activities during the Renaissance must required financial support. Due to the increased trade and affluence made by trading, gaining financial support became easier.
3.Renaissance Mans
1.Medici's Family
5.Printing Press
2.City States
Due to closing the holy lands, The King of the Byzantine Empire Alexius I was not happy about that , he sent envoys to Pope Urban II .The Pop replied for the help , motivated by a desire to strengthen the Papacy.Then the first Crusade started
What is black death
Who is Medici family?
What is Renaissance Man
The Black Death, a 14th-century European pandemic, killed approximately 30-60% of Europe's population, causing widespread panic, social disruption, and economic collapse, and remains one of the deadliest pandemics in history.
Famous Renaissance man Artist
Leonardo da Vinci
Causing of black death
Nowadays, we believe that black death is caused by infection with the bacterium Yersinia pestis. Black death is first spread by infected rats through fleas and bites.Then it spreads quickly from an infected person to others who haven't been infected yet.
The Blackdeath, which originated in China and Central Asia in the mid-1300s, spread to Europe in 1347 when an Eurasian army attacked the Genoese trading port of Kaffa in Crimea.
The Famine
In Europe, people prayed for God to end the sickness. However, plague seemingly never-ending, due to this and the corruption of the church,Europeans began to turn away from the church because they felt that the God they had been worshiping could not end the sickness. So the church couldn't control the Europeans as before, leading to the fade of feudalism. Also, with the success of the movements of reformers, the power of the church is further decreasing. The decline of the church brought on the resurgence of the power of local kings and lords. The decline also ended the crusades. This peaceful period of time is enough to allow the common person to focus on other fields such as the arts, science, etc. The end of feudalism represents the end of the Middle Ages and the start of the Renaissance.
In 1314 and 1315, during the two years Europe experienced massive crop failure due to population growth and agricultural expansion. 5-12% of northern Europe's population died due to starvation and related diseases. This famine exacerbated the Black Death.Crop harvests returned back in 1317, but food supplies took another five years to replenish.
The Crusades increased trading between Europe and different continents, especially Asia. The trades had led to the cities located on their routes growing into large city states quickly such as Florence . Due to the increasing trade caused by the city states, the merchants became wealthy, and their affluence led to a desire for art for spiritual fulfillment. As trade and city-states prospered, rich merchants rose to prominence in society. They craved more than just wealth; they wanted both cultural and spiritual fulfillment too.
The Last Supper.
Mona lisa
Michelangelo, born in 1475 in Caprese, Italy, was a renowned Italian Renaissance sculptor, painter, architect, and poet who passed away in 1564 in Rome. Due to his accomplishments in different areas such as sculpture, painting, architecture, and poetry, he became one of the most famous Renaissance men of that era..
The Sonnets of Michelangelo Buonarroti
The Creation of Adam
The Virgin and the Laughing Child
Scientific Studies
Vitruvian Man
How do city states rise
Examples of city states
The printing press, which was successfully invented by Johannes Gutenburg in 1436, The invention had significantly impacted the Renaissance
Democratizing Knowledge
Mass Book Production
Spreading scientific discoveries.
Fostering creativity
Raphael was born in 1483 April 6 in Urbino, 1483 in Urbino, Duchy of Urbino, Italy and died on April 6, 1520 in Rome, the Papal State of Italy. He was an Italian Renaissance artist and Architect, he is famous for his sculptures of Madonnas and figures. Each of his works of art is lifelike and highly praised by the world.
Famous Artwork
The Resurrection of Christ
The Mond Crucifixion
The Coronation of the Virgin
The small Cowper
Portrait of Perugino
The Baptism of Christ
Virgin of the Rocks
The Drunkenness of Noah
The Deluge
Donatello, born in 1386 in Florence. Died in Florence on December 13, 1466. He was an Italian Renaissance artist best known for his marble and bronze sculptures art work. Despite his fame, little is known about his character or personality. His taste is simple, and every piece of art is full of his hard work, elegant and vivid.
Art Work
Marble David
Saint Louis of Toulouse
Beardless Prophet
How did artists contribute to the Renaissance?
As artists shifted away from religious forms in their depictions, we began to see more of a focus on both realism and naturalism with more secular themes than previously seen. During this time, there was an increase in the use of perspective to create a sense of realism and depth of space.
consequence of black death
The repercussions of the Black Death were numerous and diverse. Trade suffered for a while, and wars(Crusades) were temporarily halted. Many laborers died, which devastated families through lost means of survival and caused personal pain. Landowners who used laborers as tenant farmers were also harmed.
What are the effects of Crusades
The main battlefields of Crusades were in Middle East so the Crusaders had a chance to Understand and contact the Muslim's cultures.Through trades they led the europeans exposed the Muslim’s cultures, arts and philosophy too
What did famine cause
Famine causes people from different classes to fight for food, causing chaos in different regions. The prices of basic food (bread, rice, salt) and daily necessities soared to the point that people could not afford them and starved to death. People at that time murdered and abandoned their children for food, and even resorted to cannibalism.
Why did famine happens
At that time, it may be that the government was unable to solve the problem due to weather changes, and the people could not get food.
How did they lead the Renaissance
Renaissance artists, For example Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, and Raphael, they have revolutionized the art world with their realism, naturalism, and perspective techniques, influencing future generations.
How does Medici family affects renaissance
The Medici family, people call this family the godfather of the Renaissance, laid the foundation for the prosperity of that time. They have contributed in different fields (banking, art). One of the most influential families in Europe at the time
What impact did they made in now days
Artwork during the Renaissance was full of realism, creativity of the human form, and religious elements. Today's artists have a template to imitate the beauty of classical art.
Da Vinci, a man born in 1452 in Vinci, Italy, was a famous Italian Renaissance painter, sculptor, architect, engineer, mathematician, inventor, anatomist, and writer who passed away on May 2, 1519, in Amboise, France. Because of his accomplishments in different areas such as painting, sculpture, architecture, engineering, mathematics, anatomy, and writing, he became one of the most famous and representative people in the Renaissance.
How the printing press worked
Impact of printing press
The printing press had a huge impact on the world. Different books and pamphlets can write down their thoughts and opinions to illustrate their arguments.
It also has huge benefits for modern times
How did it lead to the Renaissance
The Great Famine of 1315–1317 altered Europe's evolution, causing a shift in religious beliefs, which we talked about in part as the black death, and also a shift in emphasis on survival. The cruelty of the famine revived interest in science and practical knowledge, which had stopped in the middle ages, and displaced survivors to cities, providing an opportunity for new ideas and innovation. The experience of death and hardship most likely laid the stage for the Renaissance to flourish.
4.Change of Beliefs and value
Humanism: The Renaissance encouraged the rise of this intellectual movement, which stressed the potential and achievements of people. Humanists laid a high priority on the importance of individuality, human potential, and knowledge accumulation. They made the study of philosophy, literature, and history—collectively known as the humanities—more widely accepted. Humanistic principles influenced the arts likewise, with people supporting and promoting creative undertakings.
Due to the academics read manuscripts at universities or libraries, they became more affected by the classical concepts. This situation led to:
Worldly Pleasure: Humanists from the Renaissance said that people could enjoy their lives without disturbing God. They felt that wealth and worldly possessions might be enjoyed guilt-free. The affluent enjoyed beautiful cuisine, pleasant music, and other worldly pleasures.
Individualism: The Renaissance period saw an increase in the number of painted portraits. This phenomenon shows that they were more focused on individuals. The focus on portraying individuals in art and literature showed a belief in each person's uniqueness.
How Artists affect Renaissance
During the Renaissance, the European economy grew dramatically, particularly in the area of trade. Developments such as population growth, improvements in banking, expanding trade routes, and new manufacturing systems led to an overall increase in commercial activity.
Who affects the economic in renaissance
Others who affect the economic in renaissance
The Medici's family
Lorenzo de' Medici
During the renaissance period, Lorenzo de' Medici is a prominent Florentine bankers and patrons of the arts. They use their influence and wealth to allowed them to support the artist and lead the economic of renaissance growth in Florence. They also at financing and facilitating trade contributed.
Cosimo de' Medici
Cosimo de' Medici is an important influencer in the Medici family during the renaissance period. He was a banker and a statesman who establish the Medici bank, which one of the most powerful financial institutions of the time.
Also Cosimo economic and political influence helped Florence became the center of trading and finance, driving its economic growth.
Jakob Fugger
How the Cultural affect Renaissance
Businessmen started doing trading during the Renaissance. This allowed the banking industry to expand, allowing businessmen far from home to expand their own businesses.
There were many commodities traded in Europe, and the best products from every country were traded in Europe at that time. Although Italian trade began to decline in 1500, paintings, wood carvings, sculptures, gold and silverware, glassware and silk were the main sources of fine arts and crafts.
During the Renaissance, many peasants were serfs and were forced to work the land.
By the end of the 1400s, serfdom was gradually declining, and farmers were free to move and rent farms. This caused land prices to skyrocket at that time. As the population grew and food was in short supply, this led to rising prices and inflation in Europe at the time.
Jakob Fugger is a German banker and businessman who became well-known throughout the Renaissance. The Fuggers, his family's banking dynasty, rose to prominence as one of Europe's richest, powerful and influence families in the renaissance period. Fugger's is an entrepreneur in mining, textiles, and foreign trade, along with his financial ability, helped the Holy Roman Empire's economy.
Famous Medici family peoples
Lorenzo de' Medici
Cosimo de' Medici
Giovanni di Bicci de' Medici
Classical heritage of Greece and Rome
Different Math invented in Renaissance
Renaissance artists began to use different artistic techniques and styles. They began to popularize realism and naturalism as well as the use of perspective, which allowed different artists at the time to push the boundaries of artistic expression and show their own unique styles. Their ideas began to inspire other artists of the time and made great contributions to the Renaissance.
Why did they fight
The Heritage of Rome were nearby. So the Renaissance scholars could find inspiration in the Rome style and used in their architecture
The Renaissance artists looked down on the art and literature of the Middle Ages. This is because the biggest different between the Middle age and Renaissance was the focus on artistic realism.
Instead they wanted to revive the learning of the Greeks and Romans. This is because the Renaissance thinkers believe that the ancient greece had produced some of the greatest works of literature, philosophy, and science in history. And all the works represented the human achivement
The Pope, Urban II, promised forgiveness of faults to everyone who fought in the Crusades, and serfs were relieved of their feudal duties. The church would bear the burden of taxes and absolve every debt. People also wanted personal prosperity by getting riches in the Holy Land, as well as the attraction of adventure attracted huge amount of people in.
The University scholars finds the Greece manuscript could give them inspiration to challenge the god and Church’s teaching by Logically thinking, Reasoning, Critical thinking
Due to the traders in the Middle East discovering the unique luxuries, it led to high demands from Europeans for these luxury goods from the Middle East, such as silk, spices, ivory, and pearls. Of course, it caused a high demand for trade between the Middle East and Europe.
- Algebra
- Geometry
- Calculus
- Precursors
- Logarithms
- Probability Theory
Humanism was a major cultural movement during the Renaissance. It speaks of the potential and value of human focus on individualism, secularism, and the study of classical literature, philosophy, and art. Humanist scholars tried to understand ancient Greek and Roman thinkers. Humanism affected the education, literature and art.
Classical Revival
Urbanization and Banking: War requires money; it will be the same as Crusades. The need to finance and supply Crusader armies led to the significant growth of Europe's economic systems and banking systems as well. Some Italian city-states, such as Florence , Venice, became centers of commerce, banking, and maritime trade due to their superior location. Their prosperity and urbanization supported the flourishing of art, architecture, and learning during the Renaissance.
During the Renaissance, people were interested in the classical revival of ancient Rome and Greece. Artists and scholars find inspiration in ancient texts, art, and architecture. Artists and scholars were copying architectural design, literary and intellectual styles.
Famous Astronomer
Galileo Galilei
Galileo Galilei was born in Pisa, Italy on February 15, 1564 and died on January 8, 1642 in Archetri near Florence. He was an Italian physicist, mathematician, astronomer and philosopher, an important figure in the scientific revolution during the Renaissance, and also made outstanding contributions in these fields.
How astronomy affects renaissance
During the Renaissance, people still believed that the earth was the center of the universe but Copernicus and Galileo proposed the heliocentric theory, which challenged the traditional understanding of the universe at that time.
Cities became much more important compared with middle ages especially for the port cities they grew to a important central of culture and trading Due to the tradings again
Nicolaus Copernicus
Nicolaus Copernicus was born from Poland on February 19, 1473 to May 24, 1543. He is a famous Polish mathematician and astronomer. He proposed the concept of heliocentrism and mentioned that the sun was the center of the universe. He is believed to be the starting point of astronomy and made many contributions to the scientific revolution.
Different Field in chemistry
famous mathematician during renaissance
Gerolamo Cardano
Girolamo Cardano was born on September 24, 1501 and died on September 21, 1576. He was the "encyclopedia" of the Renaissance, but his contributions were mainly concentrated in mathematics, physics, and medic.
He suggested algrbra and Probability theory in that time
Famous chemists in Renaissance
Paracelsus (full name: Philippus Aureolus Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim) was born in Germany in 1493 and died on September 24, 1541. He was a Swiss physician, alchemist, secular theologian, and philosopher of the Renaissance.
He is determined to invent and manufacture medicines that are beneficial to human health.
Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Knowledge
Artistic Techniques and Material
Alchemy and Experimental Method
During the Renaissance, alchemy was very popular. Alchemy attempts to change matter and they think of alchemy as a kind of magic. But alchemy is not an exactly science, but the experimental methods of alchemy are the basis for our current scientific experiments. So i will rather say alchemy was the former form of science
Renaissance scholars and physicians relied on their understanding of chemicals to make herbs, minerals, and chemicals for medical and pharmaceutical purposes. At that time, there was no accurate way to cure diseases, but herbal medicines during the Renaissance could save many people. The study of compounds was integrated into medical practice.
During the Renaissance, artists' different attempts to produce bright colors (such as mixing pigments with adhesives) played an important role in creativity
Age of Exploration: The Renaissance was the beginning of the great Age of Exploration.The astrolabe, compass, and improved ship designs allowed European explorers to navigate unexplored lands with higher accuracy and confidence. Also, navigational technologies and skills enabled explorers such as some famous explorers such as Columbus, who discovered America; Vasco da Gama, who first reached India; and Ferdinand Magellan, who proved the earth is round.
Trade and Global Commerce: Improved navigation techniques led to new trade routes which could made the trades more faster and cheaper and increased global trade. European countries built direct trading relationships with different continent such as Africa, Asia, and the Americas, they sharing goods, resources, and ideas.
Vasco da Gama (1460/1469 - 1524) was a renowned Portuguese explorer who discovered a direct sea route from Europe to India.He established Portugal as a major and strong maritime power.
In terms of the stages of human history, the Age of Enlightenment marks a historic intellectual and cultural movement away from superstition and religious wars and toward science and rationality. This movement is different from the earlier Renaissance movement that originated in Florence from the 14th to the 17th (16th) centuries.
The printing press works through push paper against inked movable type materials to transfer text and images from the type onto the paper.
The Medici family, a banking family originating in Florence, Italy, had great power throughout the Renaissance. Their legacy includes political successes, financial influence, and art and architecture. Cosimo de Medici encouraged the Renaissance by giving intellectuals and artists assistance. Lorenzo de Medici (Lorenzo the Great) , who is Cosimo de Medici’s grandson, he continued this legacy by being patrons of Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, among many others in the arts and sciences.
A Renaissance Man is a talented, skilled, culturally varied person who demonstrates the diverse learning and versatility of the Renaissance period.
During middle ages ,the Muslim world was more advanced compared with Europe; the Europeans, through crusades, were exposed to new ideas in medicine, astronomy, philosophy, mathematics, and ancient literature from Muslims. The Crusaders brought back different kinds of goods, for example, oil, spices, and fruit, from the Muslim world. These goods caused high demand from Europeans. They wanted these goods more, thus leading to increased trade between Europe and the East, which led to the rise of city states.
While the Nobles and knights left their hometown and went to the Crusade ,They could not control their slaves or serfs as that much before so this phenomenon led to the decreasing or reduce of feudalism
When Pope Urban II called for the first crusade, around 30,000 warriors from Western Europe left their homeland and answered by traveling to the Holy Land. This was caused by religious convictions.Because the Christians believed it was their priority responsibility to rake back the place where they believed Jesus was killed and revived from death, they went to heaven as well. Likewise, Jews and Muslims have religious ties to the region.