H. P200(Plant) - Flour [finished product]

Master Data

PP Master Data

QM Master Data

MICs ([QS21]) - QS28 -

Inspection Methods - qs31 - none.

Sampling Procedure (QDV1) - Fixed sample, manual valuation, without inspection points, descriptions.

Inspection Plans (QP01) - Header Details [ Usage - 5 goods receipt + overall status - 4 released. Use group counters to bleach with hydrogen peroxide or vitamins. Usually use goods receipt, universal (generating inspection lots manually) - tallies with inspection type 89 - miscallenous. Haven't used good issue lately.

Qualitative - Checkbox active

Catalogs - ASC - FLOR [P200]

Quantitative - Protena Flour - complete copy model, upper specific limit, single result,

Basic Data (UoM - Each) + Material Group [1020] + Mat. Group [115]
, MRP 1 - mrp type [PD], lot size - EX, mrp controller - 001
MRP 2 - procurement type [X], production storage location - p100, schedulling margin key [000]
MRP 3 - period indicator [M], strategy group [10 make-to-stock]
Sales - NORM -standard item, availability check [01], gross weight, net weight = 2 kg [
, Warehouse
Accounting 1 - valuation class [8020], activate ML Account, price control - standard.
Costing 1
Work Scheduling
QM - 04 [goods receipt inpsection from production] + 05 [inspection for other goods receipt] - active all.

Org Levels - Plant (P200), SL (S200)

Production Execution Steps

QM Execution Steps

Scenario(s) Detail. 1. Wheat grain comes from trucks , wheat intake - inspections for raw materials, drawer, milling, mixing [fortification], packing, finished product transfer.

Bill of Materials (CS01)

Resources (CRC1) - resource category (0008) - wheat intake, drawer, milling, mixing, packing, finished product transfer.

Master Recipe (C201) - none

Production Versions (MM02 > MRP4) - none

CO11 - production confirmation - generate inspection lots

Ascorbic Acid for Brown Flour - complete copy model, status [released].