-Lab experiments lack ecological validity. Lab experiments take place in controlled and artificial environments, such as conducting brain scan to measure brain activity. Therefore we are unable to generalise the results to explain behaviour in real world setting.
-Lab experiments tend to have high demand characteristics, participants may be able to guess the aims of the study due to the experimenter being present and the unnatural setting, such as specialised equipment. Therefore participants may alter their behaviour according to what they think they researchers desires, lowering validity of the data collected.
-Lab experiments have low mundane realism, participants are typically asked to carry out artificial tasks such as remembering a list of 15 words from a list. Therefore we are unable to generalise the results to explain every day behaviour, lowering external validity.
-Lab experiments risk using bias samples, participants are usually gathered using volunteer sampling and are therefore more motivated. Therefore is unrepresentative and reducing generalisability to the wider population.