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Lesson 1 - MindMap_CompandLit1A, Lesson 2 - Parts of Sṕeech, Lesson 2 -…
Lesson 1
- MindMap_CompandLit1A
Multiple Intelligences
Study in a confortable place, make list of what do you want to remember.
Create a song to remember concepts, listen to a music while you study, link new words to similar words you know.
Share what you learn with others, create a study group, have someone a quiz before a test.
Bodily - Kinesthetic
Write things in your own words, study while exercising, act out concepts.
Make flashcards for key terms, rrewrite new concepts, read and recite information aloud.
Put like information together, short ideais into groups, make organized lists to arrange information
Logical - Mathematical
Compare what you know with new things, Classify new informations, Use mnemonic devices to help remember things
Design graphic organizers to show concepts, associate what you learn with pictures in your mind, use flashcards with words and images.
Lesson 2 - Parts of Sṕeech
helping verb
linking verbs
action verb
Proper Noun
Like a person name, a country, etc.
Commoun Noun
The others nouns
Describes a noun, and help to decribe how the noun looks, sounds, smells, taste of feels.
How something is done. For example: Amanda daced gracefully
Where something happened. For example: I looked for my lost socks everywhere.
Of time
Whe something is happens. For example: Luiza come to my house yesterdar
Intensity of something. For example: Mikes shirt might be colorful, but is it very colorful
Words that specify a locations or a point in time: For example: above, below, throughout, outside, before, near or since.
Words that join words, phrases and clauses. For example: as, and, yet, but, for, or, so,
Words that express strong emotions. For example: Ouch, Wow and Hooray, etc.
Small word that there is the presence of a noun. For example: an, a, the, etc.
Lesson 2 - Narrative - Story Elements
The place (where) and the time (time).
The biginning, the middle, and the end
something resolved or determined; decision. a formal expression of opinion by a meeting, esp one agreed by a vote. a judicial decision on some matter; verdict; judgment. the act or process of separating something into its constituent parts or elements
falling action
Falling action is the period of time in a story that follows the climax and leads to the resolution. It can be used to clarify the events of the climax, ease any built-up tension, or wrap up loose ends. It is followed by the resolution, which provides the final conclusion to the story.
The CLIMAX of the story is when the CONFLICT of the PLOT is resolved.It is often the most exciting part of the story: when the hero saves the princess, discovers the buried treasure, or slays the dragon.
Rising action
Rising action in literature refers to all the events that happen in a story on the way to the climax. The rising action pushes the plot along, building tension to keep us invested in the story as it moves forward. It is the second stage in the plot, after the initial exposition.
The exposition of a story is the introduction or beginning of a story that reveals important background information.
People in action. People in the history.
The problem of the history
narrator / point of view
Has 3 person. The 1st person (I/we). The 2nd person (you). The 3rd person (He/She/They) . Has two tipes of narrator, the limited and the ommiscient
Elements of poetry
Types of portry
tells a story and has the narrative elements.
Free Verse
modern poetry, no rythm and no rhyme.
abstract themes (like love, Death, Immortability) and can be strong emotions.
Sound Devices
words that end with the same sound.
sound/beat that is regular (repetition) inside the line
repetition of vowels
repetition of conssonats.
Poem Structure
end-stop (.)
We real cool.
We left school.
We sing sin.
We thin gin.
We jazz June.
We die soon.
Enjambment (brake the line)
We real cool. We
Left School
Sing sin. We
Thin gin.
Jazz June. We
Die soon
Lesson 2 - Conflict
Types of Conflit
Internal Conflit
Conflict with your self, on your heart and on your mind
Examples: character X self / chacarter X autor, etc.
External Conflit
Conflict between a character and a external force (supernature)
character X nature / character X society / character X chacarter / chacacter X tech / chacarter X supernatural
Serious disagreement and argument about something important.
Lesson 2 - Verbs
3 Tenses:
Past Continuos:
Past Pertect:
Past Simple:
3 Types:
Helping Verb
They don't mean anithing by themselves, instead they help you understand what action is taking place.
Example: Verbs to BE, etc.
Linking Verb
That show the relantionship between the object and another noun or adjectives. Include BE VERBS and sensory verbs (smell, sound, taste, fell, look).
Examples: Look, Sound, Become, Feel, , Remain, etc.
Action Verb
Tell us what action is taking place. Can show a phisical action, like running, and a mental action, like tinking.
Main Job:
The main job of the action verb is ''What is the subject doing''?
Example: I play soccer. I am thinking out this, etc.
Figurative Language/ image Devices
Helps you create images in an unexpected way
Compare 2 things or ideias. Use Like, as, than. New meaning to regular ideias. Example: ''As white as a sheet''.
Type of Metaphor. It gives human characteristic for things that are not human. Example: ''The sun smiled to me''.
Compare 2 things or ideas, more directed. Have verb to be, like is and are. Example: ''You ain't nothing but a hound dog''.