In the past, there lived a young orphan farm in the northern part of the island of Sumatra. Syahdan, the young man made his life from farming and fishing. One day while he was fishing he got a fish which was so beautiful in golden brown. While he was holding it, the fish turned into a beautiful princess. The princess was a woman who was condemned for violating the prohibitions and it would turn into a kind of creature who first touched it. Because at that time the human touched it, then it turned into a princess.
Fascinated by her beauty, the young man asked her to be his wife. The application was accepted on condition that the young man was not allowed to tell the origin of the princess who came originally from fish. The young man agreed to this requirement. Having got married for a year, the couple got a boy but he had a bad habit that he never felt satisfied while he was eating. He ate all the food.
One day the boy ate all the food that should be given to his father. The young man then so angrily said: "basically you are the offspring of fish!" That statement by itself unlocked the secrets of his wife and broke his promise.
Shortly afterwards, his wife and son magically disappeared. Suddenly in the land of their former footsteps went out the springs which were very heavy. The water flew from these springs continuously and the longer it happened the larger it would be. Finally, these springs became a vast lake. The lake is now called Toba Lake