Common horizons seen: Ap- (plowing) 10YR 6/2 fine sandy loam, while (10YR 4/3) moist, has a few mottles (10YR 6/6) massive hard friable , slightly plastic, very fine tubular pores, pH 6.0, smooth boundary. A- 10YR 6/2 fine sandy loam, moist (10YR 3/3) distinct mottles of (10YR 6/6) massive, hard, and friable, slightly plastic, very fine, very fine tubular pores, pH 6.0 abrupt smooth boundary. Bt1- (accumulation of silicate clays) 10YR 5/6 sandy clay loan moist (10YR 4/4) with brown (7.5YR 4/4) coatings moist. strong medium prismatic structure, very hard and firm, sticky and plastic, moderately thick clay films on face of peds and lining pores, will see fine Mn and Fe concretions, pH 7.0, and gradual smooth boundary. Bt3- (accumulation of silicate clays) 10YR 5/4 light sandy clay loam (moist- 10YR 4/4) medium prismatic structure, extremely hard, firm, sticky and plastic, very fine tubular pores, thick clay films on face of peds and lining pores, common Fe and Mn concretions, pH 7.0 gradual wavy boundary. Bt4- (accumulation of clay silicates) 10YR 6/4 light clay loam (moist 10YR 4/4 with 7.5YR 4/4 coatings) strong medium prismatic structure, hard, firm sticky and plastic, very fine tubular pores, continuous moderately thick clay films on face of peds and lining of pores, pH 8.0