Describe a situation where you had to use a foreign language to communicate while traveling

  1. Where and when

In a 2021 summer vacation

Airport entrance

  1. How

To Singapore

Both my parents are travel enthusiast

After working hard days by days

Extract a handsome number of saving money

  1. What happened?

During a full security check, all of sudden, the alarm bell started to ring, making such blaring sound

My family unexpectedly became the epicenter of attention

Due to the language barrier, the situation even more escalated

The airport staff had to use Google translation to explain the whole situation

80 percent of the translations was incorrectly translated, making it even more difficult to comprehend

  1. Feeling


I thought my family was gonna be expelled


After the misunderstanding was put down

After 5-minute conservation filled with confusion and anxiety

With a 3 years of immersing myself in english, I could barely manage to become a temporary interpeter

Finally, I figured out what situation my family was in

My father forgot to take his watch off when coming through the exit procedures

At first glance, the heated situation seemed to be a n emergency

Spotted a terrorist

Prohibited stuff




My family rejoiced in relief


The first time that I have ever utilized my english in pratical and real situation

My diligence and patience were paid off