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Soil Taxonomy - Coggle Diagram
Soil Taxonomy
Great group
Most defined and every soil within has the same parent material, horizons, depth, and morphology. This is used for naming soils.
Describes the chemical and physical structure like particle size. cation exchange, pH, mineralogy, permeability, temperature, and structure.
Ex: Loamy-skeletal; is the particle size >2mm, micaceous; describes the mineralogy with more micaceous clays. frigid; low temperatures with annual are greater than zero but below 8 degrees Celsius. Has a warmer soil in the summer.
Ex (2): Fine; Particle size, mixed: mineralogy, superactive: CEC activity, nonacid: No acidic pH, isomesic; Temperature regime of being 8 degrees celsius or more but different mean averages for winter and summer.
Ex: Loamy-skeletal; is the particle size >2mm, mixed; different minerals and particles, superactive; the CEC is extremely active, calcareous; soils containing amounts of calcium carbonate Thermic; means the annual soil temperature is 15 degrees celsius or higher but lower than 22 degrees Celsius.
Ex(2): Fine; Particle size, mixed: mineralogy, active; CEC is 0.4-0.6, thermic; means the annual soil temperature is 15 degrees celsius or higher but lower than 22 degrees Celsius
Explain how the soils are similar to others within the profile. Its identifies major property that affects its use.
Ex: ent: recent; Entisols; little profile development, diverse group, development limited by time and climate.
Ex(2): alfs: Alfisols: high to medium base saturation ( >35%). These are mildly acidic clays. Located in a moist climate with clay accumulation.
Example: Albus Soil Series:
Loamy-skeletal, micaceous, frigid Ultic Haploxerafls
Horizons within are Oi, A, BAt, Bt1, Bt2, But, and C.
Example (2) : Alviso Series; Fine, mixed, superactive, nonacid, isomesic Typic Fluvaquents
Horizons present: O, Ag,Clg, C2g, 2Cg
Location: The soils occur around San Francisco Bay and other tidal flats of California. The soils are inextensive.
Example: Galehills Series: Loamy-skeletal, mixed, superactive, calcareous, thermic Lithic Torriorthents
Ex (2): Endsaw Series: Fine, mixed, active, thermic Oxyaquic Hapludalfs
Location: Uplands and outliers of the Ouachita Mountains north and west of the Choctaw Fault in Oklahoma and possibly Arkansas. The series is of large extent.
Horizons Present: A, E, 2Bt1, 2Bt2, 2BC, 2Cr