Complications: -heart issues: atrial fibrillation (increases the risk of stroke) and congestive heart failure (heart has issues circulating blood throughout the body)
-brittle bones: osteoporosis (weak brittle bones) caused by increased amount of calcium and minerals in the blood instead of the bones
-vision problems: “thyroid eye disease” (common in smokers) wich prevents the muscles around the eyes from moving properly and affects the tissues around the eyes. This manifests as bulging eyes, gritty sensation in the eyes, pressure or pain in the eyes, puffy or retracted eyelids, reddened or inflamed eyes, light sensitivity, and double vision. These symptoms can eventually leads to complete or partial vision loss.
-skin changes: skin becomes pigmented, swollen, and shiny
-thyroid storm: a rapid and substantial increase in T3 and T4 hormones can cause a thyroid storm to occur. During this, one may experience delirium, fever, confusion, dehydration, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and tachycardia.