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6 Levels of Soil Taxonomy - Coggle Diagram
6 Levels of Soil Taxonomy
Great Group
A soil series is the most specific classification that is based and named primarily on the location of the soil.
The family is the category underneath the subgroup that engulfs the physical and chemical properties of the soil in order to classify it, in which mineralogy, pH, permeability, structure, etc. help to determine the soil family.
A soil subgroup is based upon each great group having a "typic" subgroup, in which the subgroup is a distinguishing factor to other levels based on the specific properties the soil has.
A soil great group is the further distinction of a suborder through the degree of development in each horizon and the sequencing of the horizons.
A soil suborder is to get more specific information than a Soil Order, in which a soil suborder gets a classification based on moisture, temperature, etc.
A soil order is separated into 12 categories based off a brief description of what each soil encompasses. The differences among orders are based on the dominant soil forming processes and the degree of soil formation.
Soil Examples
Sturkie Series
Taxonomic Class: Fine-silty, mixed, superactive, mesic Cumulic Hapludolls
Soil Order: Mollisols (-oll)
Suborder: Udolls
Great group: Hapludolls
Subgroup: Cumulic Hapludolls
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Hapludolls is a great group, in which means that there is the minimum number of horizons for udolls
An Udoll is a suborder with udic conditions.
A Mollisoll is a very fertile soil that mainly comprises the prairies, in which it has a Mollic epipedon and has a high base saturation.
Typically located in Fulton County, AK
Mostly found on flood plains and natural levees along streams in the Ozark region
Typical Pedon
Graphical Representation of Profile
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Fork Series
Taxonomic Class: Fine-loamy, mixed, semiactive, thermic Aeric Endoaqualfs
Typically located in Louisa County, VA
Mostly found under mixed hardwood forest
Typical Pedon
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Graphical Representation of Profile
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Soil Order: Alfisol (-alf)
Suborder: Aqualfs
Great Group: Endoaqualfs
Subgroup: Aeric Endoaqualfs
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Endoaqualds are a great group that characterizes soil that occurs wetness from the water table.
An Aqualf is a suborder that are under aquic conditions.
An Alfisol is a moderately weathered soil in forests, in which it is a naturally fertile soil with a high base saturation and clay-rich.