The immigration part of the solution: The President would be given power to shut the border if the average of migrants ecnountered by border patrol exceeded an average of five thousand a day for seven days, or over 8.500 on any given day.1,400 immigrants could still be processed across a closed border. Any immigrant that crossed the border during a declared emergency would be banned from crossing for a year. Border crossers would be processed, but not by judges in the first 90 days of their crossing and given work permits within 90 days.If they fail the review, they are immediately returned to their country. Immigrants are detained, and up to flights of repatriation are funded per day. It does not address the "Dreamers" program. Othewise, it forces these immgrants back into Mexico.
Politicizing the issue has made it impossible to take practical action on the issue for more than 30 years now. And even 30 years ago, the programs actually added to the problems.