Reign of Alfonso XII

Bourbon Restoration

Crisis in the political system

Economic modernisation in Spain

Alfonso XII was crowned king

end of the First Republic + Restoring the monarchical system

2 political elements made the regime stable

Constitution of 1876


combined moderate elements with advanced elements of the democratic liberalism of 1869




Rights and freedoms

system introduced by Canovas del Castillo

Conservative and Liberal party

alternate their terms in power to avoid military uprisings


parliament and king

formed by an elected Congress and Senat

After 1890 universal manhood suffrage

many rights were declared, slow process

Catholicism was the official religion

other religions were permitted

public expressions of those religions were prohibited

Electoral manipulation was used to win elections, and the results were altered.

During the regency, the political regime began to show signs of crisis.

In November 1885, Alfonso XII died

His second wife, María Cristina, became the regent

regional problem

colonial problem

problem of popular representation

Catalan nationalism

Basque nationalism

electoral fraud

many citizens were not represented in Parliament.

1901, the Regionalist League of Cataluña was founded

1877, the first newspaper in Catalan was published.

Catalan nationalists wanted Cataluña to be recognised as a nation and to play an active role in Spanish politics

1894, Sabino Arana founded the Basque Nationalist Party.

Basque nationalists wanted Basque national sovereignty.

due to the Treaty of Paris, Spain ceded Cuba, the Philippines, Puerto Rico and Guam to US

A year later, the German-Spanish Treaty was signed

Spain ceded the Mariana Islands, Caroline Islands and Palau to Germany

These events became known as the Disaster of 1898 and triggered a national crisis


by eliminating electoral fraud and promoting reform in the education system

The movement’s priorities were reflected in its slogan: ‘school and larder

a movement that sought to regenerate Spain’s socio-political situation

greatest supporters was Joaquín Costa

Demographic changes

high death rates because of wars, famines and epidemics of diseases

Because of these factors, life expectancy was very low, just 35 years in 1900

Agricultural changes

There was still inequality of land ownership


Caciques were large landowners

They had economic power and a large social influence because they controlled employment contracts and municipal jobs

had armed followers who intimidated the population

rigged elections through turnismo

so that the results were favourable to their interest

Financial changes

1865, Banco de España was founded, many credit associations were established.

The Spanish tax system was unfair, penalising poorer people

The peseta became Spain’s official national currency in 1868

The labour movement

1879, Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party (PSOE) was founded in Madrid by Pablo Iglesias

  1. He helped found the General Union of Workers (UGT)

employment legislation

recognition of trade union rights

compensation for victims of accidents in the workplace

protective laws on child labour







