In 1901, the Ethical policy was implemented to redress some of the abuses that came under the Liberal policy and to improve the welfare of the people. This policy also had a political aim of allowing the local people some say in the government. They did this by decentralizing administrative powers. Power was transferred from the central colonial government to the districts and villages. Councils were set up at town, district and village levels, to look into matters related to education, health and agriculture. In 1916, the Volksraad was set up to advise the Governor General on local affairs. however, only 30 out of 61 seats went to the local people. The representatives were also elected by the wealthy and powerful elites, and not by the ordinary people, Hence the ordinary people did not have representation in the colonial administration. The Volksraad also did not have the power to make or change laws. It could only provide advice to the colonial government.