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Ch. 11 Reading, Summarizing, & Critiquing a Scientific Research…
Ch. 11 Reading, Summarizing, & Critiquing a Scientific Research Article
11.1 Content of a Scientific Research Article
Abstract – brief summary of the article which contains known, unknown, research question/purpose, experimental approach, results & significance
Introduction – relevant background information & introduces the problem. States overall question or purpose
Materials & Methods – Details the experimental/study approach
Results – Outlines the approach and results of each step
Discussion – Discusses the key findings and their significance to the research question
11.2 Reading a Research Paper
Read the Abstract, Introduction, and Conclusion first to understand the purpose of the paper
Look closely at figures
Take notes & write down questions and unfamiliar terminology
Use resources to help clarify questions and unknown terminology
Reread paper again for fuller understanding
11.3 Writing a Summary of a Research Paper
Describe the main question or purpose & provide brief context
Explain how the authors approached the study
Describe key findings
Briefly discuss the significance of the findings
State the overall impact & importance of the study
11.4 Critiquing A Research Paper
Highlight strengths and shortcomings of the research approach & interpretation
Suggest how to improve the work
Important questions – Is the purpose of the study clearly stated? Has relevant background info been provided? Did the authors use appropriate procedures and did they obtain expected results? Are results clearly interpreted? Are figures and tables explained clearly? Has the research question been answered? What would you say differently?
How to Read & Comprehend Scientific Research Articles (video)
Skim for key findings
Structure of most scientific articles – 1) Abstract 2) Introduction 3) Methods 4) Results 5) Discussion
Determine if the article is interesting & relevant enough to use as a resource for your research
Most effective order to read – 1) Abstract 2) Discussion 3) Introduction 4) Results 5) Methods
Abstract includes purpose, methodology, results, & conclusions
Discussion – clearly answers the research question & explains how the results support the conclusions
Introduction is to grab interest of the reader and provide background information to understand the broader picture (General --> Specific --> Focused Question)…Describe previous work and it relates to your study
Results – Findings and key data using figures and/or tables
Methods – what experiments were done
Key places to look to distinguish the main points – 1) Title 2) Abstract 3) Keywords 4) Figure & Table Titles 5) First & Last sentences of the introduction
Take effective notes to organize your research