ISO 31 000

Published 2009. International RM standard for all types of organisations.

Definition of risk - Risk is the effect of uncertainty on objectives. : :

Effect - Positive, negative or derivative.

Risk often described by event, change in circumstances, consequences

Objectives must be clearly stated.

Risk Assessment - Identification of risks followed by their evaluation & ranking.

Use table

Consequences can be harardous, risk, oppertunity risks of very uncertain.

Ranking - quantitative, semi-quantitative or qualitative ito likelyhood and impact

Risk treatmenet

Risk classification system

Determine nature, source and impact

Identify accumulation of similar risks

Identify which strategies are most vulnerable

Usually: Financial control, operational efficiency, reputational exposure, commercial activities. No universal system.

Depends on nature, size and complexity of organistion.

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Risk Management

Continuous process that supports developement & implimentation of organisational strategy,

Risk aware culture - Leadership & commitment from board.

Selecting and implementing appropriate control measures to modify the risk.

Risk control, risk avoidance, risk transfer, risk financing.

Compliance with laws and regulations not negotiable.

Feedback Mechanisms

Monitoring and review of performance

Communication & consultation

Reporting & disclosing