
Governance outcomes

Sets out the philosophy, principles, practices and outcomes which serve as the benchmark for corporate governance in SA.

Ethical culture

Good performance

Effective control



promote corporate governance

broaden its acceptance

reinforce corporate governance in an integrated manner

encourage transparent reporting

Present corporate governance

Underpinning Philosophies

Sustainable development

Integrated thinking

Corporate citizenship

Stakeholder inclusivity

The organisation as an integral part of society


Integrated Reporting

Balanced composition of governing bodies

Delegation to management

Corporate governance services to the governing body

Social and ethics committees

Assurance and internal audit

Dispute resolution

Apply Principles

Principle 1: governing body should lead ethically and effectively

Principle 2: Governing body should govern the ethics of the organisation in a way that supports the establishment of an ethical culture.

Principle 3: The governing body should ensure that the organisation is and is seen to be a responsible corpoorate citizen.

Principle 4: The governing body should appreciate the organisation's core purpose, risks and strategies.

Principle 5: The governing body should ensure that reports issued by the organisations enable stakeholders to make informed assessments.

Principle 6: The governing body should serve as the focal point and custodian of corporate governance.

Sector Supplements


Non-Profit Organizations

Retirement funds


State Owned Entities

Implementation Roadmap

Applicable legal provisions that pertain to duties of those charged with governance to the relevant King IV principles and practices.

Identify legal provisions that cannot be reconciled with Specific King IV practices.

Consider remaining practices to develop a set of organisation specific governance practices.

Implement and apply King IV in accordance with the organisation specific governance practices as developed and approved by governing body.

Assess outcomes of implementation.