What is surveillance capitalism? Throughout history, the frontiers of commodification have been pushed. In today’s day in age, surveillance capitalism may be a new frontier. Monopolized conglomerates, like Google, Amazon and Facebook, have commodified a by-product of our private digital experience. This by-product, namely ‘digital exhaust’, is rich in behavioural predictive signals. Shunting this data through computational analysis allows for the development and monopolization of predictors of human behaviour. More insidious than collection and prediction of our behaviour is however the ability for companies to intervene and tune human behaviour so that human life is subverted in a direction that serves business interest.
How does this change capitalism? Capitalism relies on uncertainty and freedom. Selling of ‘certainty’ in the form behavioural predictors means that markets are predictable. Moreover, these predictors are used to sabotage freedom by tuning our news feeds and in the case of Pokémon Go, our movements as well. (Pokémon Go – business were paying for the footfall in their business.) Surveillance capitalism therefore grossly manipulates capitalistic markets and human behaviour.