Critical Thinking


Why does it matter?

Uncover machinations and reasoning

Predict future events

Make wiser and unbiased decisions

When studying

Grading with professors

Good critical analysis

Outcomes of astute critical thinking

Choosing what information sources to consume and cite

Reason to develop critical thinking skills

Things are not always as they seem

Brain easy to fool

Biased opinions


Critical thinking


Objective conclusions

Sound line of reasoning

Balanced and organized investigation of all resources

Scrutiny of the reasoning process


Examining process for inaccuracies with partiality and the usage of different point of views

Argue and defend an opinion without bias

Look for hidden assumptions

Critical Self-Awareness

Steers clear of bias

Benefits critical analysis

Creativity and criticality

Create alternative mental scenarios, scheme and hypotheses

Generate appropriate points of comparison

Developing a critical mindset




Question everything

Applications to life


Identify the line of reasoning

Critically evaluate line of reasoning

Question surface appearances

Identify evidence in text

Evaluating the evidence

Identify the writer's conclusions

Evaluate the strength of evidence


Be clear on position on the issue

Construct clear line of reasoning

Presenting evidence

Analyze issues from multiple perspectives

Cement position on the issue with information and analyses

Read writing critically

Use critical style


Look for consistency

Pay attention to body language and manner of speech