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War of the Roses- Q1 1445-1461 - Coggle Diagram
War of the Roses- Q1 1445-1461
Until Henry came of age a council of nobles governed England.
Henry VI was a weak ruler and relied much on the nobles around him, to offer advice on how his kingdom should be run. 'under-mighty monarch'. He neglected many of his kingly duties e.g to ride his army into battle, ensure stability among the nobility etc.
Over-mighty subjects became a major problem among the nobility of Henry VI. They wanted absplute power amongst the government- challenged the kings position. Bastard fuedalism- a written contract between a man and his lord for land in exchange for service and protection.
Henry suffered a major breakdown in 1453after hearing the news of defeat in France. Wife Margaret took up more political roles and grew close to somerset to get rid of york. Nobles rejected this and began supoorting york.
York during his 1st protectorate did reduce household expenditure by 75%, restored law and order except between the Nevilles and Percys in Scotland (couldnt intervene as Neville was his brother in law). Pledged allegence to Edward (Henrys son)- made him prince of wales.
Henry had to call of the taxation of the kingdom to pay for the losses after the war with france- magnates could no longer afford to pay their retainers- and they relied heavily of competing for patronage from the crown (which henry gave out willingly). favour from the king kept the noble afloat.
Henry had no heir until 1453- when his son Edward, prince of wales was born.
In his hopes to bring peace and avoidance of war- Henry established Eton college in 1440- should have been foccussed on the war or redtoring law and order.
Surrendered Maine in 1446, this was detrimental for england.
Margaret of Anjou was a french women with connections to the French royal family. Her marriage to Henry VII was arranged to help peace negotiations with England and France.
She used her power as a dominant woman to get the king to promote noblemen such as William de la Pole into government.
Treaty of tours- Margaret and Hnerys marriage and also allowed the French to re group during the war and fight back stronger. French won. Nobility didnt want to fund the failure of England. Some of the Kigns favourites bore the hatred towards the crown after the war- and some councillors were in demnd to remove them.
Became much more involved in the rule of england once her son was born as he was Henrys heir- and she therefore protected her sons inheritance.
Richard of York was blood relation to the crown as a descendent of Edward III- he was everything that Henry was not (he had an heirs, politician and an able warrior). He became Henry Lord protector 1453-4 when Henrys first mental illness arose. Second protectorate was in 1456-7 when Henry became ill once again.
Died in the battle of Wakwefield in 1460- however he failed to remove his greatest enemy Duke of somerset. Tried to claim the throne for himself- Margaret of Anjou hated him and did not trust him due to his claim to the throne- he was an over-mighty subject.
York removed from his poistion of Captain of Calais in France with Somerset- he was owed £38,000 in debt for his service in France. Sent to Ireland as Lieutenant- to keep him away from England but his debts remained unpaid. York reutned to England in 1450- with 2 bills of grievances. 1st: Yorks position as heir, debts. 2nd: lawlessness and disorder, corruption of royal officials.
Yorks Dartford coup in 1452- Backed by a force of 3000 armed retainers York succeeded in london to persuade the king to meet some of his demands. He then tried to impreach Somerset in parliament but Yorks army was defeated by the kings army after he miscalculated troops. Had to submit and was forced to make a public apology.
Due to this Margaret and Somerset tightened their control on the government- to try and keep York in and from gaining control of parliament and ultimately the king.
His coup ultimately failed due his lack of supoort from the english nobility- Only support was from Lord Courtney.
He also wrote ahead to towns asking for suport so the king already knew he was planning an uprising.
London remained loyal to the king and kent didnt uprise since cades rebellion.
Campainging in france was going well, economy was recovering- Henry became active in overseeing justice in the south of engliand (cades rebellion).
His return to England was supported by the public.
Cades rebellion- demanded the removal of royal officials who were corrupt. Restoration of law and order. Remova of kings 'evil councillors'. Appointement of Duke of york, buckinham to roual council. Rebellion failed.
York wanted to protect his name and honour from any treason related to Cades rebellion, he wished to return in hope for a leading role in government- his name was sepcificlly linked to this rebllion as his bills echoed the grievances of the rebellion.
Loss of Normandy caused the fall out between York and Somerset- although York lost the possession to france it was due to somersets negligence.
Married Cecily Neville- Neville supoort in the Neville-Percy feud.
Suffolk was involved in renewing the war and was blamed for the defeats. Henry called to parliament for funds for the war but the commons refused and charged Suffolk with treason, accused of misgovernment and corruption of finance. King rescued him from tower of london and banished him for 5 years, privded him a ship to france but it was intercepted and he was captured and executed.
Lead to the act of resumption to be passed- to recover crown lands given away as rewards of service. - Greatly undermines the Kings authority.
1st battle of St Albans 1455- Somerset and northumberland were killed. YORKISTS WON
York and friends were removed from office and replaced. York was removed from his protectorate. Kings health was permanently damaged and he could no longer rule.
Yorks ally became Warwick, captain of Calais- second protectorate began after this battle 1455-56.
Love day 1458
Sons of the victim of St Albans and the victors publically made reconcilliation and agreed to terms of restitution. Desperate for avoidnace of other conflicts.
Blore heath 1459- YORKISTS WON
Fighting resumed as Margaret beleived that York was plotting to take the throne. Many Yorkists fled to the royal forces at Ludford.
PARLIAMENT OF DEVILS- 1459 Branded York, Salisbury and Warwick as traitors, sentencing them to death and their lands and good to be seized. Disinherited Yorks heirs.
Northhampton 1460- YORKISTS WON. Was a Yorkist invasion on the south coast with Warwick, Salsisbury and Yorks son, Calais army. Lancs defeated- Lord Grey (elizabeth woodvilles 1st husband) changed tp the yorkist side.
Henry VI captured.
Act of Accord- Henry was to remain King for the rest of his life. Edward (H son) was disinherited. Margaret was banished for life. Succession was trusted to york and his heirs.
Battle of Wakefield 1460- LANCS WON. Margaret refuse to accept this and raised an army in the north. York met her in the north but the lancastrain army was much bigger and York was killed in this battle, his son Edward succeeded him.
2nd Battle of St Albans 1461- LANCS WON. Margaret after the battle in wakefield went to rescue her Henry (from Warwicks custody) and the yorkists were defeated again, and Henry was freed.
Warwick fled to Wales to meet with Yorks son Edward- who wanted to avenge his fathers death. He intercepted the lanc force in gloucester.
Edward IV was pronounced King in march 1461 (Richard of Yorks son)- he secured his throne after the Battle of Towton- YORKISTS WON. Henry VI, Margaret and Edward fled to Scotland.
Battle of Towton 1461- YORKISTS WON. Edward (Yorks son) led the Yorkists in this battle.
It can be explained that Lancs had more troops- and had the higher ground at the beginning fof the battle it was seen that the Lancs would win.
However, Yorks had the weather on side as there was a blizzard blowing towards the lancs.
Yorksists had great leaders e.g Warwick and edward (warwick killed his horse in front of his men- motivated).
Battle of Ferrybridge- Clifford was killed- lancs big leader.
For Yorkists Norfolk arrives late towards the end of the battle with fresh men- this led to defeat of the lancs.