Second World War

Causes of the conflict

Bad conditions lead to the creation of a party that promised to end with Germany´s problems, the Nazi party

The Nazi party promised to improve Germany conditions, and blaimed the jewish for all the bad things that happened to Germany. Nazi´s leader, Hitler, was a former First World War soldier

Germany was under bad conditions because they had lost the First World War, and they had to give money to other counties, such as France of the UK

Hilter Aand other nazis tried to do a coup in 1923, known as the Munich´s Putsch, but it failed, and Hitler was 9 months in jail

While he was in jail, he wrote a book called ``Mein Kampf´´ (My fight in english) in which he speaks about his life and other topics

10 years after the coup, the nazi party won the elections, the crack of 1929 damaged the german economy, and germans saw Hitler as a hero who was going to save them

Next year, Hindenburg, the canciller of Germany died, and Hilter took advantage of that and got the power

He started to produce a lot of militar armament, preparing for a new war

Then, in 1938, he annexed Austria and the Sudetes (a small part of Checoslovaqia) under the promise of not annexing any other territory, a few moths later, he broke the promise and annexed all Checoslovaqia

Then, the allies said ``if you attack Poland, we will declare war on you...

First years of the War

In the 1º September 1939, Germany attacked Poland, then, the 3º September, The UK and France declared war on Germany

A few weeks later, the URSS also attacked Poland. Due to a secret agreement, Germany and the URSS cut Poland in two, and each one took a slide. They had also done a non-agression pact

Germany and the URSS fastly conquered Poland

Then in April 1940, Germany conquered Denmark and Norway

And in May/June, Germany conquered France, using a new tactic ``Blitzkrieg´´

Then, Germany tried to destroy UK´s air force, but after the Battle of England, they weren´t able to do it, so they bombed London

Then, Germany attacked the URSS, but they stopped near Moscow because of the winter

Meanwhile, Japan attacked the USA in Pearl Harbour

Last years of the war

The allies attacked Sicily

The Germans were defeated by the URSS in Kursk

Meanwhile, Japan was defeated by the USA in Midway Battle

In 6º June 1944, the allies did the Normandy landing, a massive attack to finally defeaf germany

The nazis attacked Stalingrad, but they failed to conquer it . It was Germany´s biggest defeat

The allies and the URSS surrounded Berlin, and in 30º April 1945, Hitler shot himself and died, a few days later, the war in Europe ended

Meanwhile in the Pacific, the USA was approaching to Japan, but they were struggling a lot, so they destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki with the atomic boms, Japan surrended, and the war ended the 2º Sepember 1945


About 50 million people died

About 8 million jewish died in the Holocaust

The ``Cold War´´ between USA and the URSS started

Europe was destroyed

Germany was first divided in four sectors, and then splitted in half