Controls over cash: cashiers: cashiers balance on daily basis- signed by cashier, independently reviewed, count with two people present one being the cashier,- compare cash with documentation, responsible for own till, lock float away in separate lockbox. cameras- supervision, banked as soon as possible. Petty cash: one responsible person, physical safekeeping, limited funds, define expenditure, vouchers be numbered, payments must be approved, reimbursements, exact amount on voucher, voucher slips cancelled.
Test: Enquire about and observe the controls over cash. Do a surprise cash count (also attend on a surprise basis the daily balancing of cash): In the presence of the cashiers, who signs for receipt back of money; Agree the cash with the supporting documentation (receipts, cash invoices, cash register total); a) Follow the float through to the balance in the ledger. Observe that each cashier is responsible for their own funds. Observe that they lock away the money during their lunch breaks. Enquire about the policy regarding safekeeping of money during lunch breaks.