How can Algebra help in understanding changes in relationships? 🤔

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Now I wonder:

Because you cannot use number, by using the symbols it makes it possible to show and understand algebra. -Coco, Tosca, Yuki

We can understand relationships in Algebra for example when calculating the product cost and start-up cost.The product cost changes based on the start-up cost, which we can see a relationship.

In real-life, we can use them in many ways. For example, when we write our revenue and start-up cost for some company, we can keep value as x or y. So we don't need to justify the quantity but know the equation. Nana, Waka

We can use algebra to figure out complicated real-life things. Algebra is one of the most basic and simple parts of math it extremely important in almost every discovery from space to the depth of the ocean. Algebra can be also found in our daily lives even in simple things like calculating the time it takes to fill the bath or calculating revenue and the costs of companies. - Leo, Louie, Miku

Daniele and Yamashita: We think that Algebra helps us understand changing relationships by giving us a way to represent and analyze how things grow or shrink over time. Also with variables and equations, we can see patterns and predict how relationships evolve. It's like a tool that lets us hold the ups and downs in connections between things, which makes it easier to understand how they change. ❎

Algebra can help us understand changes in relationships through it's variables constants and parameters that it allows us to calculate and figure out the connection between relationships.
As an example, algebra helps us in calculating the commercial calculation that is commonly used between enterprise which helps us in understanding multiple relationships in several concepts.
Jun, Sara

Why symbols are replaced as numbers. And why they chose the letter x,y and stuff to express numbers. - Coco, Tosca, Yuki

We can see patterns of things without justifying the value. For example, when we learned about algebra with the flags, there were some patterns with the x value. Nana, Waka

Do we use math in everything, for example even in art(which is a work that needs imagination and creativity)?

We learned that animation use algebra but we wonder how algebra relate to our life.
Nana, Waka

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Oscar & Connor: Algebra can help us understand the relationships between variables such as x and y which represent different things that you may encounter in life. By using algebra you can figure out how if you change one how it effects the other.

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Throughout this unit, we have learned how algebra can be a method of understanding relationships in ways including linear equations, simultaneous equations, elimination, systems, and so on. All of these parts of algebra connect and relate with each other, for example, simultaneous equations could be solved by elimination, systems could be written through linear equations, etc. Getting on to the big question, we thought of four ways that algebra can help us understand changes in relationships. Firstly, algebra allows us to represent relationships through variables. In general, x and y are used in simple equations, for example, y=x, y=2x. However, as the equation gets complicated, more types of variables are included. Secondly, algebra can be written in equations and inequalities. For instance, y=mx+b, y>x-b, y<mx^2, and following with all other sorts of mathematical expressions. The three equations and inequalities that I wrote represent the relationship between x, y, m, and z (for one time). As an example, the first equation expresses that the y value is the same as the m (slope) multiplied by the x value, and added by the b (y-intercept). Thirdly, algebra can make us understand the relationship through graphing, specifically the rate of change when the value increases or decreases. A linear equation, for example, changes depending on the inserted number of variables. When m increases, the steeper the straight line will be, when b increases the higher the y-intercept will be, and vice versa. Last but not least, algebra is always around us in real-life situations. Some people may think that this is not true, but the world is full of equations. Specifically about the summative task we did, we worked on creating products and considering the product cost, start-up cost, and revenue cost. The product cost (both spending and revenue) represents the x the start-up cost represents the b. Also, the stairs’ steepness could be represented in a graph, where it can be understood that algebraic expressions are right next to us.
Shodai, Jooyong, and Taiga

How can algebraic expressions and equations help us resource allocate time, money, and other significant resources? Is there any equations or write a graph representing our time-efficiency?

During this algebra unit, we learned more about income with our Shark Tank project, which was our Floating Christmas Tree. The two main things that affected our income was the cost to make the product, and the price of the product. And, we have represented that through algebra.

  • Lily, Hiro, and Daniel. 👍

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Algebra can help us with situations in which not everything is clear. By that, we mean with algebra, we can backtrack or calculate missing values with variables, as well as use of equalities and inequalities. Like tracing back how much stuff was sold, or calculating what our net revenue will be. Phil Mo

How do big business's like amazon or google use this system in their daily work? - Oscar & Connor

Within the concepts of algebra, when solving a actual question, we can use the unknowns to represent the multiple relationship of numbers. For instance, when we are doing the summative, the X is 3.09 and the Y is 7.11 times of it. However, if you write this multiple relationship directly and plugging in the numbers, the values are complicated and hard to understand. But if you try to use the algebra to represent the numbers, which is x=3.09 and y=7.11x, then the multiple relationship is clear. Andy

Algebra is a mathematical tool for interpreting changes in human relationships. Through equations, functions and graphs, we can understand the laws and trends in relationships succinctly and accurately.After learning the concept of algebra and how to use it. We learn that we can use it in not only math, but in the real life too. For example, we can use it to show the unknown things, and calculate. Jiahe Quan Timothy

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I wonder how to utilize complex math concepts in order to apply it to real world scenarios and situations. Phil Mo

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Algebra is like a tool that helps us understand how things are connected. It uses numbers and letters to show how changing one thing can affect something else. This makes it easier to see patterns and predict what might happen next in different situations.

Cassie Laura Elisabeth Janet How can we widely use Algebras doing surveys? Moreover, how do we use Algebras to manage budgets and finances? How can we simplify hard questions using the method we learn to create algebra?

How does algebraic representation contribute to predicting and analyzing dynamic changes in various relationships within mathematical contexts?
-Alan and Kyle

How is algebra used in the advanced mathematics?

Now I wonder Timothy

Sujeong & Rachel & Maia: Through this unit, we could learn how algebra related to real-life situations. We can use algebra when we are marketing or calculating some math in real life. Also, when we y-intercept form, we can figure out when we are paying money for something(eg: a taxi). We could also understand the linear Inequalities.

Our group thinks we can use algebra to solve many of those everyday questions. It is used every day in your life, but we just don't see it. We use algebra to solve questions in business, you would need it to start your own business. You would also need algebra even when you are calculating the trajectory of a basketball----Kadosa, Kenta, Ding


crystal tamar asuna
Algebra allows us to create formulas that work for all kinds of numbers. Algebra assists us in manipulating and solving equations even when their numbers are unknown.
You can also use this in actual human relationships. If you want to find out how many people they are talking to on snapchat, you can use this formula s-b/t=p
s being their snapscore
b being the snapscore before being left on delivered
and dividing it by the time you've been on delivered for and that will be p which is how many people they are snapping
This helps improve efficiency in relationships and not wasting your time on people that do not uplift you.

in this unit i have learned slope

Algebra can help us in understanding relationships because of there multiple types of equations that can be used in the situation. We have Inequalities which can be used to find the relationship between the x and something that creates the y or Slope formulas which can help find the x and y as well as the intersection point and such. Yuta, Ovin, Liam

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How can the algebra that we learnt be connected to Advanced Math such as Trigonometry or Calculus.

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Algebra facilitates the quantitative modeling of relationships, offering a framework to comprehend and predict changes in variables within mathematical contexts. -Alan and Kyle

Cassie Laura Elizabeth Janet: Basically, when we get to higher grade, we may need to solve very difficult questions. But algebra can always be the simple way to solve the problem. And in the daily life, if we have any unknown value to something, we can use algebra.

Sujeong& Rachel& Maia: How can other aspects of math can be used to real-life situation?

I wonder how I can use algebra in my other classes such as art to improve my performance, understanding, and success. crystal tamar asuna

In architecture and urban planning, how can algebra be used?How can algebra be used in arts and design? Timothy, Michael