the concordat was signed out of fear of communism

these people were made to dig one large grave after which they were shot and all the people fell into and passed away

hitler was angsty that he couldn't exterminate at all

signed in 1933, by the pope pius and vice chancellor von papen on behalf of the third reich and the german governement

hjews banished from germany and they fled to different countries such as hungary and poland which nazi's took over

1935 - nurenberg laws declared a person of jew blood couldn't marry a person of german blood. These laws also stated that jews weren't German citizens

the concordat stated that the roman catholic church had to renounce all political activities and nazis couldn't interfere with the church's practices

persecution of the jews became more important that war preparation

however, soon after the concordat hitler wanted to indoctrinate catholic children studying in sunday - and get them to learn some of the nazi studies rather than only religious education

he prioritised sending jews to concentration camps rather than the armaments

1938 - a jew killed a german diplomat in paris

boycotted jewish businesses

removed jewish children from school

jewish women were never sexually assaulted because they were deemed to be lower than the germans hence why they never had intimate relations with them

the jews and many others - roma, poles, homosexuals and jehova's witnesses's eneded up in concentration and extermination camps

however, bullets began getting costly hence why hitler thought of the gas chamber in which the most lethal, effective and cheapest gas was used to eliminate millions of jews

doctors were forced to incorrectly alter their results to please hitler otherwise they would get murdered

people were sent to death camps - people who walked passed away as they walked

some people went and passed away in the carriages because of overcrowding

married homosexuals were sterilised - so they couldn't reproduce