Carbon Cycle
1 - CO2 from the atmosphere is fixed into corbonhydrate by the light independent stage of photosynthesis
2 - Respiration, in plants and animals, releases co2 into the atmosphere due to the action of decarboxylase in the link reaction and krebs cycle
3 - Combustion of fossil fuels releases carbon, in the form of co2, into the atmosphere
4 - Microorgansims responsible for decay releases co2 into the atmosphere die to respiration
5 - Carbon fixed into organic molecules by producers pass from trophic level to trophic level, along food chains, durinf feeding
6 - Fossil fuels are formed, over millions of year, from remains of dead plants and animals, anaerobic conditions inhibit decay and the carbon rich biological moleciles become fossil fuels such as oil, coal and gas over time.
Human activity
- Deforestation
- Buring fossil fuels
An increase in decomposition